Saturday, April 17, 2010

This just in: Republicans are corrupt pieces of shit

Deregulation gained a little steam in the 70s, but it really took off once Reagan took office. Over the last thirty years, Congress has been slowly deconstructing all the rules FDR put into place to prevent another Great Depression from occurring. When the economy crashed again a couple years ago, you'd think it would be a good idea to maybe put some of those rules back into place, right?


Obama has been on a fucking role. In a matter of weeks, he got health care passed, got all 47 countries at that nuclear summit to sign a deal to decrease the number of nuclear weapons across the planet, he proposed a bold new plan for NASA, and he extended gay rights by actually allowing them to visit their loved ones in the hospital. Now he's proposing financial reform. This seems like a completely reasonable and sane thing to do. Guess what? Republicans are unanimously against it.

And the president explained why in his Weekly Address this morning.

"Now, unsurprisingly, these reforms have not exactly been welcomed by the people who profit from the status quo – as well their allies in Washington. This is probably why the special interests have spent a lot of time and money lobbying to kill or weaken the bill. Just the other day, in fact, the Leader of the Senate Republicans and the Chair of the Republican Senate campaign committee met with two dozen top Wall Street executives to talk about how to block progress on this issue.

Lo and behold, when he returned to Washington, the Senate Republican Leader came out against the common-sense reforms we’ve proposed. In doing so, he made the cynical and deceptive assertion that reform would somehow enable future bailouts – when he knows that it would do just the opposite. Every day we don’t act, the same system that led to bailouts remains in place – with the exact same loopholes and the exact same liabilities. And if we don’t change what led to the crisis, we’ll doom ourselves to repeat it. That’s the truth. Opposing reform will leave taxpayers on the hook if a crisis like this ever happens again."

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