Saturday, September 17, 2011

Glenn Beck gives his take on the “Occupy Wall Street” protest set for tomorrow

Remember this guy? Yeah! He’s completely irrelevant now that he no longer has a TV show, but he’s still doing his stuff on something called “GBTV.” Oh, Glenn!

Glenn Beck says that Occupy Wall Street is made up of:

  • Muslim extremists
  • Socialists/Communists
  • Radicals/Revolutionaries

Glenn Beck claimed that Socialists, Communists, and Muslim extremists have all united, and they’re the ones behind this protest! As a socialist myself, it left me very confused. I can’t speak for every socialist, but personally, I think muslim extremists are a threat to civilization, and should be annihilated with extreme prejudice. Muslim extremism is fascist, while socialism is democratic. If Beck thinks we’re looking for allies, it certainly won’t be with fascists like himself. Oops, I mean, I’M A SOCIALIST AND I’M PLOTTING AND SCHEMING IN THE SHADOWS AND I’M GOING TO GET YOU.

While I have no doubt that socialists, communists, and revolutionaries will be at Wall Street tomorrow, their power and influence is so incredibly miniscule that they’re hardly even worth mentioning. Seriously. The United States has no “radicals.” The propaganda system in which we live has been so effective in wiping them out, that even pretending they have influence is embarrassing. Occupy Wall Street is made up of your average mainstream, moderate, Jon Stewart liberals who, in all likelihood, aren’t going to change a damn thing. I’m sorry. That’s not to say I’m not rooting for them, I hope they’re successful. I hope this will finally wake America up.

But I’ll tell you what’s going to happen. The media is going to spend a lot of time mocking them. Then the American public will turn against the only people who are fighting for them, and will become convinced that they’re just a bunch of stupid stoners. I've even had "liberal" friends say things like this to me already. They’ll have their little party in their tents, dance around a little, wave their signs, maybe even raise a fist or two if they’re daring enough, but in the end, the powers that be will simply wait for them to leave, and everything will continue unchanged. That’s how protests in America work. That’s why the government has outlawed all forms of protest that do work.

But then there’s another possibility. Maybe the police will come in an beat people up. There’s usually some amount of warning before this happens, so the moderates will all leave. Maybe some will stay and allow themselves to be roughed up for the cameras. Only the “radicals” (if they’re there at all) will actually defend themselves. Then all of America’s mainstream left will call them heroes for getting the shit beat out of them, but scold them for not going limp first.

Nothing is going to change, either way. Like I said, I wish them the best and I’ll be rooting for them, but I’m really not sure if they grasp just how much the bourgeois has dented the people’s power to change things. Mario Savio tried to change things, so the FBI spent ten years following him around for no reason. Martin Luther King tried to change things, so the government tried to blackmail him into killing himself. Fred Hampton tried to change things, so the FBI shot him in his bed as he slept (he was unable to wake of course, because he was drugged by the FBI). After confirming that he was still alive, they shot him twice in the head. Keep waving your signs though, you’ll show them.


  1. People have the right to be whatever they want to be; however,American is a Capitalistic country and Capitalism is what made America America and what has made it Great. Yes, Corporatism is different, tax loop holes have to be filled, lobbyists have to be stopped, etc.., but actual capitalism equates with FREEDOM, what America is about. We don't need the few assuming they have the best knowledge to control the masses and socialism is about power and control, even if for perceived noble reasons. If my taxes were cut I could use that extra money to expand my business and hire new employees rather than giving the $ to Gov and watch them piss it away. $105 Bill in duplicative spending, $19 BIll in overpayments in unemployment, checks to illegals, dead people & prisoners, the post office in trouble, EVERY program w/problems because the Gov is NOT full of experts & cannot manage other people's $. Only self ownership brings forth pride & a sense of responsibility; hence why privately owned parks are cleaner and neater than Gov owned one's who hire employees who have no ownership interest and could care less about the condition of the parks. America needs to be America and Capitalism is the Best System when allowed to function as it was intended.

  2. People have the right to be whatever they want to be; however,American is a Capitalistic country and Capitalism is what made America America and what has made it Great. Yes, Corporatism is different, tax loop holes have to be filled, lobbyists have to be stopped, etc.., but actual capitalism equates with FREEDOM, what America is about. We don't need the few assuming they have the best knowledge to control the masses and socialism is about power and control, even if for perceived noble reasons. If my taxes were cut I could use that extra money to expand my business and hire new employees rather than giving the $ to Gov and watch them piss it away. $105 Bill in duplicative spending, $19 BIll in overpayments in unemployment, checks to illegals, dead people & prisoners, the post office in trouble, EVERY program w/problems because the Gov is NOT full of experts & cannot manage other people's $. Only self ownership brings forth pride & a sense of responsibility; hence why privately owned parks are cleaner and neater than Gov owned one's who hire employees who have no ownership interest and could care less about the condition of the parks. America needs to be America and Capitalism is the Best System when allowed to function as it was intended.

  3. Okay you don't seem to have the slightest clue of what socialism is.

    Socialism is not totalitarian. Stalin purged the socialists because they opposed him. It's not about power and control, and it doesn't put power into the hands of the few. That's actually capitalism. Did you know less than 1% of the country currently controls over 50% of the nation's entire wealth? That's power. With that power, they're able to buy off politicians and essentially run our government. We *can't* do anything about lobbyists, or corporate loopholes, or enforcing regulations, because the people who benefit most from these things are the ones running the show. That's what capitalism is: accumulating power into the hands of the few. Capitalism will always lead to plutocracy, and there's nothing we can do about it.

    There are some socialists who think government should regulate the economic sector, but most of us don't trust any government at all, and think the workers should control things themselves. Socialism gives you power and control over your own life. It allows you to decide for yourself how many hours you work, and from that, how much you decide to earn. It cuts out the middleman--instead of CEOs making millions by figuring out clever ways to shaft their workers, the money you earn for doing your work goes directly into your hands. All socialism does is bring democracy into the economic sector, and most importantly, it puts the need of society over the profits of a few corporations. That's not an evil idea.

  4. Also, did you read the last paragraph in the original post? The United States government assassinates its own citizens in their beds while they sleep. You call that "great?"

  5. "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [these banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power of currency should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
    -Thomas Jefferson
