Thomas Ryan is a self-described "security expert." He's a conservative. He's an American. He showed up to Occupy Wall Street meetings, got on their mailing list, and forwarded their emails to the NYPD, NBC, his buddy at the FBI, and yellow journalist Andrew Breitbart. Of course, nobody asked for them except for Breitbart, he just sort of did it. You're exposed, Occupy Wall Street. More like OCCUPY COMMUNISM.
Ryan is such an expert with security, that he accidentally exposed himself as the “snitch” when he forgot to delete his own forwarded emails, upon releasing everything. Hey Thomas Ryan, great job infiltrating an organization that welcomes everybody and has nothing to hide. Kudos.
Of course, nobody gives a shit about this because there’s nothing incriminating. OR IS THERE? One email:
"We’re in this for the long haul. There are no “solutions” that can be presented quickly to make us go away. And so there will be moments where our presence is no longer an uncomfortable and unknown variable, but rather is normalized and integrated. It’s in those moments that we have to push the envelop [sic], pry open the space of possibility even farther. We go as far as we can to destabalize [sic], but maintain momentum. And when that’s the new “normal” then we go farther. That’s how change happens, how we shift the terrain and the terms of the game."
Andrew Breitbart sees this for what it really is — Communism. Occupy Wall Street is actually trying to “destabilize global markets.” It doesn’t matter that the words “global markets” are not included in this email. Andrew Breitbart can read between the lines. But that’s not all. Thomas Ryan himself goes on to say that Occupy Wall Street is in league with Al-Qaeda. It's funny because conservatives say these protesters are the ones who have nothing better to do, and live in their parents' basements.
My respect for FDNY & NYPD stems from them risking their lives to save mine when my house was on fire in sunset park when I was 8 yrs old. Also, for them risking their lives and saving many family and friends during 9/11.
Don’t you find it Ironic that out of all the NYPD involved with the protest, [protesters] have only targeted the ones with Black Ribbons, given to them for their bravery during 9/11?
I am sorry if we see things differently, I try to look at everything as a whole and in patterns. Everything we do in life and happens in life, there is a pattern behind it.

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