Monday, March 22, 2010



First, some of the highlights from last night. My prediction was correct. Republicans did nothing but stomp their feet and scream. Literally. They literally screamed at the top of their lungs.

Here's John Boehner. He yelled at Democrats.

"Have you read the bill?"

"Have you read the reconciliation bill?"

"Have you read the manager's amendment?"

People shouted back "Yes!" but Boehner kindly corrected them: "HELL NO, YOU HAVEN'T!" He's not a fake American. He's a real American. You betchya, reagan mcmaverick oil drill baby garf

And that's not even all of it. He went on to say that this bill disgraces the values of people like Thomas Jefferson. This alone could've been the laughable highlight. But he took it further. It also disgraces the values of... Moses. Moses? Moses. Putting limits on a corrupt industry to prevent the deaths of tens of thousands of people every year disgraces the values of Moses. I hope I'm not the only person who thinks this is on par with "You forgot Poland." This is amazing.

"Both" sides would do well to remember the dignity of the House lolololol

Texas Republican Randy Neugebauer yelled "BABY KILLER!" at Michigan Democrat Bart Stupak. One thing that's really impressed me in these last few months is how utterly amazing Republicans have been at lying. They can say whatever the flippity-fuck they want, and their supporters are going to believe it. Republican voters were told that this bill is going to fund abortions. Of course, this bill doesn't have fucking anything to do with abortion, but that sure as hell doesn't matter. The government is already prohibited from funding abortions. Despite this, these idiots still weren't satisfied until Obama signed an executive order guaranteeing that no funds will be used to pay for abortions. The only thing this "compromise" did was make it harder for women to get abortions legally on their own. And these people still didn't care.

I really doubt that Republicans would ever want abortion to be outright banned. If it was, then they'd have nothing to rile up the base like this. Can you imagine a world where you wouldn't be able to shout "CODE ABORTION BEEP BEEP" at any topic at all, and people wouldn't be right there to blindly follow you off a cliff? I don't want to live in that world.

hee hee ShhhhhShhhShhShhhh

Neugebauer admitted earlier today that he was the one who shouted it. But he specified! He didn't mean Stupak himself was a baby killer, he meant the bill was a baby killer! Okay! Thank you Mr. Neugebauer! That makes even less sense than it did originally! Did I mention this guy is a sponsor of the so-called "Birther Bill," which would require presidential candidates to show their birth certificates? Totally unrelated though.

Earlier in the day before the vote, Rep. Devin Nunes was asked what he thought about Congressman John Lewis being called a nigger by tea partiers as he walked through the capitol.

"When you use totalitarian tactics, people, you know, begin to act crazy."

Oh, how silly of me! It's the Democrats' fault! Again!

Then I woke up today and checked the news.

McCain: 'We're gonna keep acting the same way now, k?'

Rush Limbaugh claims America is "hanging by a thread"

"Today, as we start the radio program, America is hanging by a thread. So we have to see what we can do with a thread. At the end of the day, our freedom has been assaulted. This is the kind of change that people did not think they were going to get when they voted for Barack Obama."


Bricks have shattered the windows of Democratic offices in New York

Twitter is going to assassinate the president

Pastor Wiley Drake, once a VP candidate with Alan Keys, became an active terrorist this morning by calling for the deaths of all 219 Democrats who voted for health care yesterday.

Orange Country Pastor Wiley Drake fired off an email to his supporters this morning, telling them that all 219 Democrats have been placed on the “imprecatory prayer list.” “We’ll remember in November and pray Psalms 109 while waiting,” he urged, before listing each offending congressman by name in “Satan’s domain in Washington D.C.”

Psalms 109:8 reads: “May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership” followed by “May his children be fatherless and his wife a widow.”

Tyler put up a good quote from philosopher John Locke as his status on facebook.

"New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common."

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