Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Yes, America is in fact really fucking retarded.

I voted. Clean conscience.

Gosh, this was a fun election season. And by "fun," I mean I want to put a gun in my mouth. I should be surprised at the results. I want to be. But I'm not, and I think that says a lot about the state our country is in. It's like America doesn't have a memory span that lasts over a couple months. Doesn't anyone fucking remember the Bush years? Do they honestly think Republicans have changed?

Remember when this exact same thing happened in 1994, and the Republicans tried to impeach Bill Clinton for shits and giggles? Remember how they harassed him, and refused to confirm as many judges as they could? Remember how they made it clear that they'd rather shut down the government than let a president who's a democrat succeed? The shit's about to get much, much worse. Those were normal Republicans. Now Congress is filled with a bunch of extremists and conspiracy theorists. Future generations are going to look back and really wonder what the fuck we were thinking.

Check out the Republican who won Illinois.

Christ. Just look at that guy. He spent this election cycle embellishing his military career and lying about being a teacher. Poor Wisconsin lost progressive hero Russ Feingold to a climate change-denying, tea partying millionaire. My former hero Alan Grayson lost by 20 points, but I stopped respecting that asshole after he Breitbart'ed some footage in a campaign ad and compared his opponent to the fucking Taliban. Oh, and Nancy Pelosi lost her job too. John Boehner is the god damn Speaker of the House. Edit: I just realized Dems weren't able to do anything meaningful about DADT before this election. Kiss that goodbye too.

It could've been a lot worse though. Republicans didn't get the Senate. And there's really only two possible outcomes to this: either Republicans stay true to their word and fix the deficit, or they fail utterly. Either outcome will be good for the country. I've already seen whispering among Republican candidates about potential "investigations" into Democrats or the Obama administration, so watching them chase shadows instead of governing should be very entertaining. I guess there's not really any point to this post other than to vent my frustration at how fucking stupid our country is. Also, I really wish this ad would've been aired on every channel in every state for the last six months.

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