Sunday, October 31, 2010

Critique of Stewart

I'm indifferent about the speech Jon Stewart gave at the end of the rally on Saturday. Here it is if you didn't see it.

Summed up, he basically just wants the media and political parties to stop bickering, and come together to accomplish things, because we're all Americans dammit.

I have a problem with this message because first, it's the exact same message Obama came into office with. Obama's done some amazing shit in the short time he's been president, but you simply can't deny that what failures he had came about because of this attitude. Every single time he tried playing ball, Republicans took advantage of him. And second, his speech implied that the left is equally at fault for the partisan dick waving. The left isn't innocent, but implying that they're just as bad as Republicans is simply wrong. Democrats weren't the ones screaming at the president and calling him a liar in the middle of his address to the fucking country. Democrats aren't the ones race baiting and making white people fear minorities with campaign ads. It's not the left who's jumped into bed with corporations and special interests (at least not entirely). Democrats don't have a television station. Democrats aren't throwing Republicans to the ground and stomping on their heads. They are not equally at fault for the political climate in the country right now. That is a fact.

Additionally, if an idea is flatout wrong, then you shouldn't compromise with it. There are two types of things we debate about. The first is where compromise is on the table. These are the issues where truth is murky, and both sides have legitimate concerns. I'm talking about health care, or economic issues.

The second type of thing we debate about is over things that can be logically proven as true or untrue. There should be absolutely no room for compromise with these. Creationism should not be taught alongside evolution because creationism is wrong. Gay people should not have to settle for civil unions because they are human beings, and they are not separate but equal. These are debates that are over before they begin.

Just like how Republicans lump every issue into the second category, the problem I see with Stewart's speech is that he lumps every issue into the first one. I love Jon Stewart. His message is nice, and I really wish I could agree with it. If you would've asked me two years ago what I'd think of a speech like this, I would've been on board 100%. I was a bit more moderate back then for one, and I also fell in love with Obama's dreamy rhetoric just like everyone else. I did think the country could come together, and I thought compromise could happen. But that is completely impossible now, and the right is entirely to blame. Their idea of compromise isn't compromise at all, it's "tear up your idea and do what we say." You can't act like a civil person around children and expect them to act civilly back. You know why? Because they're fucking children.

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