I don't own any firearms. But I'm pretty sure I'm going to get one if I move to Chicago. Chicago can be dangerous. There was a story I read from a Chicagoan on gunnit once, where he was woken up in the middle of the night by the sound of someone smashing down his door and breaking into his apartment. He keeps a shotgun next to his bed. He made sure to pump it as loud as he could, and the sound alone made the dude bolt. He could've been murdered if he didn't have that thing. In another story I read on Something Awful, a burglar came at the guy with a butcher knife he grabbed from his kitchen. He kept shouting at the burglar to stop, pointing his gun right at him, but the guy kept coming, and he had to put a couple rounds in his stomach. He would've been stabbed to death in his own home if he hadn't had a gun.
Criminals don't give a fuck about gun laws. When my brother and his girlfriend were living in Chicago, someone they knew was mugged and shot near their apartment (he was okay). Illinois has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, it was illegal for that mugger to walk around outside carrying an assembled gun. He didn't fucking care. The only thing those types of laws do is unarm law-abiding citizens. Would it have been better for the victim in this situation to be armed? Probably not, because the idiot got himself shot in the first place because he was stupid enough to try to stop the guy. The point is that criminals are going to commit crimes. Do you think this shooter in Colorado would've cared even if he hadn't been able to buy his gun legally? Fuck no, the dude already had bombs in his apartment, he just would've thrown bombs and molotov cocktails and shit. The guy's a fucking psycho, he was going to do this.
That doesn't mean we need to jump to what every Republican dumbshit is saying, and arm everyone possible, I would like more regulation because psychopaths are allowed to legally buy guns, and that's fucking crazy and stupid. I can't stand this binary bullshit where there can't possibly be any middleground; some of the more hardcore liberals right now seem to be calling for a near complete ban on all guns, while Republicans want us to put them in the hands of kindergartners. This country is fucking insane.
Check out this thing I found on the Political Loudmouth page on facebook. The best part is that they make fun of that image for being propaganda, and then they make propaganda.
So sitting there and allowing yourself to be murdered is preferable to trying to defend yourself. How can anyone even respond to this? The only reason this shooting ended at all was because the guy's gun jammed, what if that hadn't happened? I could try to argue about the irrelevance of the smoke or the body armor, but in the end it doesn't even fucking matter to these people, because they state very clearly that weapons are "never" the answer -- under any circumstances. Even if the dude had been completely naked in broad daylight, whoops can't shoot back at the guy trying to kill you, because guns are NEVER the answer, for reasons I won't bother explaining!
-Jason Bourne
What the hell is wrong with these people? It's like underneath all these anti-gun arguments is that typical pseudo-religious Gandhi bullshit always found with the left these days, where political activism is about personal enlightenment rather than changing things. Did you know that guns are embedded with evil voodoo magic that slowly drain your soul whenever you gaze upon them?
I think the biggest hurdle here is that these people think anyone who would even contemplate buying a gun couldn't be anything other than insane. Believe it or not, there are normal people who buy firearms, and they go to ranges and get trained, and they're fully aware of how fucking dangerous they are. I spent a week training to teach shotgun and rifle to boy scouts, I know what gun culture is like, and you'd be surprised at how cool these people can be. Nothing was more important to them than safety ("All guns are always loaded at all times"). If liberals would actually try being as open minded as they tell everyone they are, they would stop shouting "BUT GANDHI SAID--" for a minute, and hang out with these people. That's certainly how I got over my own irrational fear of guns. I didn't grow up around them, and they scared me shitless.
But possibly even more important than defending oneself against petty criminals is the prospect of defending oneself against tyrannical governments. I feel like such an outcast for being a leftist who has no problem with guns, but the thing is, the modern neutered left has simply forgotten what their philosophy is all about. Liberalism is about liberty and personal freedom. When powerful people try to restrict or destroy those things, how are you going to stop them? Well, what did the American rebels do? What did the Haitian slaves do? What did John Brown do? What did the miners at Ludlow do? What did antifascists in Spain, or the Warsaw resistance do? They shot at tyrants with guns. What the fuck do you think Patrick Henry meant when he said "give me liberty or give me death"? I posted a youtube video one or two sundays ago with a guy talking about this exact topic. It isn't a very pleasant thing to talk about, nobody enjoys talking about violence or when it's necessary, but it's something that needs to be discussed.
It's often forgotten that no group has more fiercely advocated the right to bear arms than the Black Panthers, a left wing movement. In February 1967, Oakland police stopped Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, the co-founders of the Panthers, along with a few others. They were all carrying guns. Being a law student, Newton knew it was legal to do so.
When one officer asked to see one of the guns, Newton refused. “I don’t have to give you anything but my identification, name, and address,” he insisted. This, too, he had learned in law school.
“Who in the hell do you think you are?” an officer responded.
“Who in the hell do you think you are?,” Newton replied indignantly. He told the officer that he and his friends had a legal right to have their firearms.
Newton got out of the car, still holding his rifle.
“What are you going to do with that gun?” asked one of the stunned policemen.
“What are you going to do with your gun?,” Newton replied.
By this time, the scene had drawn a crowd of onlookers. An officer told the bystanders to move on, but Newton shouted at them to stay. California law, he yelled, gave civilians a right to observe a police officer making an arrest, so long as they didn’t interfere. Newton played it up for the crowd. In a loud voice, he told the police officers, “If you try to shoot at me or if you try to take this gun, I’m going to shoot back at you, swine.” Although normally a black man with Newton’s attitude would quickly find himself handcuffed in the back of a police car, enough people had gathered on the street to discourage the officers from doing anything rash. Because they hadn’t committed any crime, the Panthers were allowed to go on their way.
The people who’d witnessed the scene were dumbstruck. Not even Bobby Seale could believe it. Right then, he said, he knew that Newton was the “baddest motherfucker in the world.” Newton’s message was clear: “The gun is where it’s at and about and in.” After the February incident, the Panthers began a regular practice of policing the police. Thanks to an army of new recruits inspired to join up when they heard about Newton’s bravado, groups of armed Panthers would drive around following police cars. When the police stopped a black person, the Panthers would stand off to the side and shout out legal advice.
A few months later, the group descended on the California state capitol, fully packing, to protest the state's attempt to outlaw carrying loaded weapons in public after the Panthers had begun exercising that right.
The Panthers were able to build communes, and feed and educate kids, and empower an oppressed people, because they possessed guns. For the first time ever, cops left them the fuck alone. The only way the bastards were able to bring them down was by bringing in the FBI to frame and assassinate their leaders, and tear them apart from the inside. But at least for a brief time, guns allowed them to look upon their oppressors without fear.
The gun is the great equalizer. Once they were invented, weapons of power/defense were no longer limited only to the elite. Guns could be mass produced, and they didn't take half a lifetime of training to master. Guns were what allowed the world to throw off kings. They created the middle class. Historically, world leaders who advocated disarming the public were not friends of liberty.
"Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA - ordinary citizens don't need guns, as their having guns doesn't serve the State."
-Heinrich Himmler