Thursday, August 27, 2009

Have you euthanized your grandmother yet? And you remembered to spare her if she's black? Good. Now we must move on to more pressing matters. Rush Limbaugh went on Glenn Beck. I know, I know. After the blood stops gushing out of your nostrils, take a deep breath. Watching this will not be pleasurable. But it is our duty as unamericans to know exactly who the good guys are, so we can squash them out quickly. If it's too much for you to handle, rub the turban on your head for luck, and take another dosage of your required abortion pill regimen which ACORN has so generously sent to us all. Beck and Limbaugh are on to us, but we cannot give up hope. All Heil Comrade Obama (Peace be Upon Him).

You can tell by their use of big words like "TOTALITARIAN SYSTEMATIC DISMANTLING OF FREEDOM" that these are some pretty intelligent people. They should not be taken lightly. But Comrade Obama has come too far to be taken down now by an obese pain pill addict and an alcoholic conspiracy theorist. Their unbridled patriotism and understanding of this dastardly "Constitution" is nothing compared to the iron fist of Comrade Obama. Be strong, my fellow zombie soldiers. Praise Allah.

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