None of them "believe in" evolution. I'm guessing they also don't believe in vaccination or refrigerated food.
Seriously. This is the best the republicans can do right now. Barack Obama won because George Bush was too much of a lunatic. So what do they do? They shove forward more lunatics. They're just so goddamn out of touch. It's embarrassing to watch.
I mentioned to my dad a while ago that Mike Huckabee doesn't acknowledge evolution. Being a lifelong republican himself, he brushed it off and said it didn't matter, it wasn't an issue that was important. I let it drop from there, because you'll get more things done arguing with a rock than you will having a political discussion with my dad. Whether or not someone accepts evolution is an extremely important thing to me. If someone is a creationist, I judge him. It shows an unjustified and vehement distrust of science - and in 2009, science is what our world is. Like what Neil DeGrasse Tyson said in that video I posted not too long ago, if one is not scientifically literate, the lens in which he views the world is different. In that world, facts are "only an opinion." That person refuses to seek out the very knowledge that makes our universe so beautiful. He is knowingly limiting himself and his potential for self-fulfillment, and that is not a person whose opinion I can greatly respect.
"If I'm put on the spot, do I believe that it's basically just sort of an accident that this happened, this wonderful creation of ours? Or do I believe there was a creator behind it? Look, I'm going to go on the side that there's a creator behind it."
Either deny evolution, or you hate God. You can't have both. Bible.
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