Tuesday, March 29, 2011

351 anti-abortion bills proposed this year alone


NARAL, an abortion-rights group, tries to track each piece of abortion-related legislation making its way through state legislatures. Last year they tracked 174 bills. This session's count is already up to 351.

...Those on the anti-abortion side have little to lose by throwing whatever bills they can at the wall and seeing what sticks. Even if their measures conflict with Roe v. Wade, a subsequent court battle provides opportunities to publicize their position. And there's always the next session to revise the language and have another go.

Obama. I get it. There's a lot going on around the world right now. There are a lot of pressing issues that need your attention. But the political climate at home is burning down. You need to step the fuck up and be the liberal we elected you to be. In 2007, you said

"If American workers are being denied their right to organize and collectively bargain when I'm in the White House, I'll put on a comfortable pair of shoes myself, I'll will walk on that picket line with you as President of the United States of America. Because workers deserve to know that somebody is standing in their corner."

But now, when workers' rights are being assaulted all across the country, and right when you're needed the most, you've chosen to remain silent. It feels like you're abandoning us.

In your book, I clearly remember you describing yourself as pro-choice, but also as a person who seeks a middle ground, in attempting to curb down the pregnancy rate so abortions wouldn't be as necessary. A quote of yours has stuck with me: "No one is pro-abortion." I don't think any rational person could disagree with that.

But Republicans are not seeking a middle ground. At the same time they're trying to make abortion illegal, they're also demanding that teenagers should not be educated about sex, which only serves to spike the pregnancy rate even more. They've come to their conclusions before the debate even takes place, and no amount of evidence will ever change their minds. They need to be stopped, and you're not doing it. You haven't said a thing about abortion rights. You're letting them gain ground and you don't seem to care. When I voted for a moderate in 2008, I assumed you were a moderate liberal. Imagine my disappointment when I found out you were actually a moderate conservative.

I've been telling myself that I'm going to vote for you again in 2012 simply out of my fear of the Republicans who are trying to destroy everything I love about this country. But I'm coming to the realization that it really wouldn't be much different if they had a president in the White House. We're still in Iraq and Afghanistan. We'll probably be there for at least another decade. When Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head, you didn't say a thing about how easy it is for maniacs to obtain guns, nor did you even make an attempt to put a stop to it. When BP raped an ecosystem, you went ahead and approved more drilling (remember when you wrote about getting into alternative sources of energy in your book? Hah.) A single person still has yet to be brought to justice for causing the economic meltdown. In fact, you seem to be rewarding them. The patriotism of our soldiers is being rewarded by subjecting them to torture. You are torturing our soldiers (who do you think they are, Muslims?) Unless you step up, then I'm not voting for you again. I think practical European democratic socialism has some good ideas. You, on the other hand, are a conservative. I realize not voting for you will practically be a vote for Republicans. I don't care. The last couple years since you've come into office has made me lose faith in the American system of government. This was the perfect opportunity to really improve things. We're probably not going to see another perfect storm like that for at least another couple decades, and you and the dems blew it. If my choice is between conservatism and fascism, then I'm not playing.

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