Tuesday, April 14, 2009

VenomFangX - A Sack of Human Waste

Holy shit. Remember VenomFangX? He made a video called "Refuting Atheistic Naturalism." I tore it apart bit by bit.

Well, I'm proud to say that he's learned from the greats. Just like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and every other corrupt televangelist fucktard who has ever made an appearance on television, VenomFangX is now pocketing donations he originally claimed would be going to charities. It appears he did not do this with malicious intent, but it happened nonetheless.

"dprjones" has made a couple videos that explain what's happened. Unfortunately, Venom has since taken down the videos that have led to this.

I don't understand why the "I will donate to charity" claim is so tempting to those who are willing to give to these people. If they're only donating on behalf of the sick kids, why do they always insist on giving money to a middle man instead of directly to the kids themselves? Is it because they really do want some of it to go their "ministry" instead of meds, food, research, and you know, things that directly benefit the well-being of humanity? That's like giving money to those Christian missionaries in third world countries. It's not so terrible when you waste money on bibles and churches, when that money could be going to food and medicine. It's okay if people die as long as they die Christian.

Back during the election, my roommate Larenzo criticized me for giving twenty-five bucks to Barack Obama's campaign (I mailed it directly, so my McCain-supporting parents wouldn't catch it on the credit card, heh heh). Larenzo wasn't mad because he supported someone else (he's apathetic). He was just trying to say that there were a lot better things I could have given my money to. I told him there are thousands of causes that need money, and you just have to settle and pick one. I also pointed out that he has no right to talk because he didn't give anything to anyone at all.

So to prove to myself that I'm not being a hypocrite with this post, I just gave twenty dollars to Children's Defense Fund and twenty dollars to Doctors Without Borders, because my overly generous grandma just gave me like a hundred bucks in easter money and there aren't really any games out right now that I'd otherwise waste it all on. VenomFangX was the one who motivated me to do this, so I guess he isn't a complete sack of human waste.

Here's a great site that rates charities for their efficiency if you want it.

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