Monday, November 23, 2009

omgg comix bookss

God help me, I'm starting to get into comics. I visited Chris and Liz in Chicago a couple weeks ago, and Chris took me to this comic shop where he buys junk at every weekend. I bought $60 worth of graphic novels there. Quite a wise investment, if I do say so myself. Among them were Green Lantern: Rebirth, mentioned earlier; Batman Cacophony, written by Kevin Smith, where The Joker gets stabbed in the fucking chest; and of course Batman: Year One. Now, I spazzed out over Green Lantern, but honestly, I really can't decide whether I like Rebirth or Year One better. Year One was DC's reinvention of Batman back in the 80s, it basically shifted him from the corny Adam West Batman to the hardass Batman we know and love. Batman Begins and The Dark Knight are actually loosely based off of this. It was originally meant to be printed on newspaper-like paper, and so the color choices were extremely limited. But they managed it brilliantly.

Click for big

But what I'm really excited for right now is The Walking Dead. I just started it. I haven't been reading it recently because Dragon Age has been taking up most of my free time, but from what I've gotten through so far, it seems really fucking good.

The Walking Dead is every zombie enthusiast's wet dream. Most zombie movies follow a small group of survivors, up until the bloody climax where most, if not all, eventually end up dead. Not so, with Walking Dead. The creator does not want it to end it. Ever. So we watch these survivors interact with each other over a long period of time, we see the drama and relationships between them, we see these characters develop, we watch them die, we see new survivors being found and joining up, etc.

Again, click for big

Call me a raging faggot, but I'm thinking about making a comic of my own now. Not to sell or to make it big or anything, but just because I feel like it and it seems fun (it could also be good for a portfolio if I do it right, but who cares about that). I have something of a plot in my head. I had a video game called The Movies a few years back where you're able to hire actors to play out your own personal movies and whatnot. This plot I have in mind originates with a movie I made. I was actually a little proud of it. It's a sci-fi, almost creepily similar to Firefly, except the protagonist was much more of a mean hardass than a quirky cowboy. But I made it before I had even seen Firefly, SO I'M THE ORIGINAL ONE HERE OKAY?

Like Firefly, it takes place soon after a galactic civil war. I don't know how far off in the galaxy the civil war in Firefly spread out, but this one was limited only to the solar system, between Earth and the colonies on Mars. Earth won. Unlike Firefly, the protagonist did not fight in the war, his father did. His father died in the war, and throughout the story he'll uncover all sorts of crazy shit his dad did. His dad's old war buddy is a member of his crew. They are space pirates. It will tell two stories really, it'll focus on this pirate crew, but it will also focus on the authorities pursuing them. That crew is led by an inexperienced female captain, thrust into her position reluctantly and by circumstances beyond her control. Her story will be about her shit mistakes, but also about her rising up and becoming a great leader. I might throw in a romance or two. I'm going to try to make the reader confused as shit and not know who to side with. So yeah, a little Battlestar Galactica as well (Roslin much?), but shut the fuck up because I had never seen any BSG at the time either I'M THE ORIGINAL ONE THEY COPIED OFF OF ME, GOD DAMN IT.

The dialogue and parts of the plot in the movie version seems a little dumb in retrospect, but thankfully I've matured a little since then and I can think back and consider which parts were dumb, and which parts weren't; so I'm going to try to refine it and make it cooler than it already was. Hey, The Movies online community really liked it at least. Not to brag (well maybe a little) but I got five star ratings up the ass. 12 year olds on the internet know what they're talking about. I'd give a link to it, but The Movies' website has been shut down permanently. Fuckers.

We just got into inking in my drawing class, which is what motivated me to do this. I thought I would hate ink because of a lack of eraser, but it's actually really fucking fun, and I'm pretty proud with what I did (I might upload it eventually if I ever get my scanner working). But I haven't done any art in years and I still don't think my drawing skills are quite up to par just yet; so before starting the comic, I'm just going to practice for a little while until I'm satisfied. And in the meantime I might just write the script. I'm a little excited for this.

I've lost the original sci-fi movie (TM) I was talking about up there, so all I have to go on is memory. But in the meantime, here's another one of my movies that I really really liked. I swear to god this is pure coincidence, but it's about -- zombies. It's a comedy. I can't remember when I made this, 2004? 2005? I uploaded it to facebook for this group I'm a member of.


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