A couple weeks ago, I got a spontaneous urge to dust off my guitar, and calluses have once again returned to the tips of my fingers. I missed you, you disgusting mutations. I'm trying to teach myself this time. I still suck, but at least it's a lot more fun now that I'm starting with the bare bones. I'm trying to tackle the scales at the moment. I guess for just conventional rocking, you basically need to know only five scales, and then you're pretty much set for as much improvising and solos as you see fit (A Major, C Major, D Major, F Major, and G Major). And of course then there's the blues scales, which I haven't bothered looking at yet, but I'm sure I will eventually since blues is fucking badass. For now though, I got A Major down pat, bitches.
Whenever anyone used to ask me what kind of guitar I had, I could never answer them, because I could never remember. I just checked. Peavey Raptor Plus Exp. Peavey. Peavey? Who the hell's ever heard of Peavey? You know it's awesome because it has "raptor" in the name.
I can't be cool and say "Yeah I got a Gibson blah blah blah" or a "Fender blah blah blah." I got a Peavey, and I only bought it because it was used, it was barely over a hundred bucks, and it had a pretty sweet color that looked green in one light, and blue in another. Guitar talk, guyz.

My old amp? It no longer works. No clue why. A dog may or may not have pissed on it. I don't want to buy a new amp. So I ordered an adapter that allows my guitar chord to be plugged into headphone jacks, which would allow me to use my computer as a really cheap shitty amp. According to the product description, you can "Plug your guitar, keyboard or mic directly into your laptop or desktop" and it's "Perfect for Apple's new GarageBand software". Nothing could possibly go wrong, right? Right?
It came in today, and I was excited. I have Garage Band, it came installed on my Mac. I've never really messed with it before, but it seems to be a pretty powerful music program. I go into the help menu and look up how to get my computer to pick up real instruments. Do this, do that, then change input. Presto. I do this, I do that... but then there's no option for input. It's just not there. I even tried going into the Mac settings and messed around with the input settings of my whole computer. I tried Google, and there were basically only two answers - 1) "It's easy as shit, just do this, do that, and change the input!" or 2) "It's flatout impossible, and you have to buy a pedal-mah-jig worth half a grand." I've been pulling my hair out for two god damn hours now, and I have no clue what the fuck I should do, other than pound my keyboard angrily and yell at my blog.
I also ordered a headphone splitter, so I'd be able to simultaneously plug in my guitar, and use external speakers at the same time. I decided to pull out the splitter and see if plugging the cable in directly would do any good. The moment I pulled out, sound from the guitar came out of my speakers. I didn't know what the fuck, because let me repeat myself - I had just pulled out the god damn splitter from the computer. Nothing is connected to the computer. The computer has nothing connected to it.
The only explanation I can think of is that my guitar and speakers were both still in the splitter... so I guess that means the speakers automatically get the input once the computer is taken out of the picture? The good news is that now I have sound. The bad news is that I cannot alter that sound in any way, like you would with a guitar amp or a computer. I'm sure confused as shit and o gawd wut do i do
Oh hey, a guitar!
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