Saturday, December 19, 2009

This is Neville Chamberlain.

Neville Chamberlain was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom at the dawn of World War II. He had a policy of "appeasement" towards Hitler, basically meaning he sucked Hitler's dick to avoid World War II. His reputation nowadays is mixed. On the one hand he was a real shithead for giving Hitler everything he wanted, but on the other, you really can't blame the poor guy for doing everything in his power to avoid another world war that everyone saw on the horizon, and which everyone knew was going to be even more catastrophic than the first. Who the fuck wouldn't try to prevent that from happening? We know in retrospect that it was a shitty policy, but no one at the time knew what was going to happen. His popularity rating shot up to fucking 68% after his deal with Hitler at Munich. Nobody wanted another fucking war.

Chamberlain's policy ultimately failed, as Hitler never really gave a shit about how much he got, and he was just going to invade shit whether people liked it or not. Chamberlain resigned in shame, paving the way for the indescribable badass known only as Churchill. Chamberlain would go down in history as the world's biggest pussy.

If there's one thing conservatives nowadays love doing, it's comparing modern day things to history they know nothing about. I've heard Mitt Romney say "We were the party of the revolution." I've heard Rush Limbaugh compare Afghanistan and Iraq to World War II, almost as if these wars are comparable in any god damn way. You see teabaggers all the time trying to convince themselves that The Founding Fathers (tm) would be on their side, by taking their quotes out of context and citing a Constitution they've never actually bothered to read.

And then there's this clip right here. I don't know how I've missed this for so long, but I just came across it. This was a year and a half ago. This man says Barack Obama is going to appease the terrorists, and then compares him to Neville Chamberlain. When Chris Matthews asks him what Neville Chamberlain actually did, he can't answer the question. After stammering uncontrollably for a couple minutes, he just flatout admits "I don't know." It's some of the most hilarious shit I've ever seen.

Some people are interested in politics because they genuinely care about what's happening in the world. I just like watching car wrecks.


  1. Oh yeah, clasic. I love how kevin james is doing the 'sassy black gal' finger wave.

    evil uncle john

  2. so, have you gone to itunes and downloaded the 'wtf' podcast with marc maron?

    evil uncle john

  3. Let me know what you think. I don't know, he's a cranky 40 ish jew-ey (his term) guy. You might like him.


  4. do you have my email?
