Sunday, May 16, 2010

Glenn Beck literally claims to be a prophet reciting what God is telling him

This is why he's telling everyone to leave their churches. He's starting his own cult!

Some guy named Dan Carlin has a fantastic podcast called Common Sense. He's extremely intelligent, and the show continuously forces you to question your own beliefs, which is something every person should always be doing. He's fiscally conservative but socially liberal, and he's bound to piss you off no matter what side of the aisle you're on.

Sometimes he puts forward little thought experiments. A few weeks ago he brought up the question of whether it's even worth it to pay attention to politics anymore. Even if you do pay attention, and go so far as to vote, things never change at all. And those who don't follow anything are spared from the national pissing contest and don't suffer the constant stress brought on by worrying about everything.

All I want to say is that this idea sounds more and more appealing to me every time Glenn Beck opens his fucking trap. Why does he have any audience at all? It's just so depressing. I don't want to believe that people can really be this god damn stupid, and in such great numbers. Everything is explained in the video.

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