Thursday, October 7, 2010

Man loses home, Tea Party laughs

You've probably heard of this by now. Firefighters in Tennessee stood by and did nothing as a Gene Cranick's house burned to the ground. Every year, the residents of Obion County must pay a fee of $75 if they want firefighters to protect their homes. For some reason or another, Gene Cranick did not pay (he claims to have forgotten). On the spot, Cranick offered to pay anything it would take for the firefighters to put out the flames, but he was told it was too late. His dog and three cats burned to death. He and his family is now homeless.

It's like we're living in the Twilight Zone. It's just too easy. This right here should be the hypothetical nightmare scenario that acts as kryptonite to libertarianism, and yet it actually happened. And the Tea Partiers aren't backing away. They fucking love it. This is their ideal dream for America. Don't believe me? As if losing his home didn't bring him enough pain, here's millionaire Glenn Beck mocking Gene Cranick in front of 10 million listeners.

This is absolutely sickening. Conservatives really like to say that America is a Christian nation. I'm an agnostic-atheist, and this blog is frequently used to bash religion, but for the love of all that is good, I wish conservatives would act like this is a fucking Christian nation. Where in the Bible does it say, "Not my problem, you're on your own"? Where does it say that money is the single deciding factor in situations like these? Where does it mock the very idea of compassion towards others? The Religious Right is nothing but the corrupt Jewish establishment that fought so adamantly against Jesus in his time.

The spokesman for the ironically named American Family Association said that the firefighters did the Christian thing by not putting out the fire.

In this case, critics of the fire department are confused both about right and wrong and about Christianity. And it is because they have fallen prey to a weakened, feminized version of Christianity that is only about softer virtues such as compassion and not in any part about the muscular Christian virtues of individual responsibility and accountability.

The Judeo-Christian tradition is clear that we must accept individual responsibility for our own decisions and actions. He who sows to the flesh, we are told, will from the flesh reap corruption. The law of sowing and reaping is a non-repealable law of nature and nature’s God.

We cannot make foolish choices and then get angry at others who will not bail us out when we get ourselves in a jam through our own folly. The same folks who are angry with the South Fulton fire department for not bailing out Mr. Cranick are furious with the federal government for bailing out Wall Street firms, insurance companies, banks, mortgage lenders, and car companies for making terrible decisions. What’s the difference?

The fact that he attributed feminism to weakness should speak loudly about the mindset this fascist is in. The fact that human beings are even capable of "soft" virtues such as compassion is what makes humanity so great. This man mocking it simply shows that he, like everyone who agrees him, is an enemy of humanity and everything it stands for.

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