Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Jon Stewart's Reaction to the Arizona Shooting

The entry venting all of my initial reactions to the shooting on Saturday was written as it was all happening. Everyone was getting information for the first time, and seeing so much of it in such a short amount of time made me really fucking angry. It's interesting reading it again. I've had time to calm down and process things since then, and I don't necessarily agree with all of it anymore. I really make an effort not to do that, but with emotions running so high, I'm not the least bit surprised by the things I said. As always, however, the voices of logic are right. It doesn't matter how much we're annoyed by the right wing unknowingly egging on potential maniacs, we still have no idea what this guy's motives were. And thank god he was caught alive, or else we'd be speculating forever.

But I'm not going to apologize for anything I said. I will not stop ridiculing people like Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck for potentially sparking things like this, because we should've put this much ferocity into ridiculing their violent language years ago. And while we may not know what the motives are yet for this particular attack, we do know that there has been instances in the past where the language used by Republicans and Tea Partiers have sparked maniacs into acting maniacal. Here, read the top post if you want a list.

Liberals might be acting a little over the top right now, but we need to understand why. We didn't jump to such dramatic conclusions for no reason. We have been expecting something like this to happen for a very long time, and it is extremely important to realize that. When you make maps that use gun sights to pinpoint the locations of Democrats, don't be surprised if we freak out when a Democratic politician is fucking shot.

Jon Stewart was good tonight.

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