Wednesday, April 27, 2011

White House releases Obama's birth certificate

Here it is. We've reached the apex of the American civilization. When a president has to release his own birth certificate in order to appease the lowest common denominator, America has officially began its downwards spiral. I mean, just imagine what it would've looked like if George Bush called a press conference to deny that 9/11 was orchestrated by our own government. This is ridiculous.

The saddest part of all is that it might help Obama. I don't think it's a coincidence that right wing propagandists started to bring this up again shortly before the 2012 election. Maybe they were hoping it would stick on some of the dumber independents. Now that Obama's done this, the birthers are just going to come off as even more batshit than they already do. Because they're not dropping this.

The questions keep coming. Like this: “Why did Obama spend millions of dollars to keep this document secret?” writes Judson Phillips, founder of Tea Party Nation, on his group’s website.

Or this: “I’m sure someone will investigate this BC and prove it to be a fraud, like what they have tried to pass off in the past,” writes Worried Grammie on the Tea Party Nation site.

Instead of issuing a national apology for spreading lies about the president, debaucher Newt Gingrich said this morning, "All I would say is, why did it take so long? The whole thing is strange." Gingrich apparently doesn't know that Obama's birth certificate has already been publicly available for the last three years.

Donald Trump is claiming credit for what the White House just did. Again, instead of apologizing for being fucking wrong, he's bitching and complaining. Oh, he got exactly what he wanted? Doesn't matter. Obama needs to release his college records now too. Because "word is, he wasn't a very good student." Really? Who's word is that? You can't just say things and pretend that they're true. Has America's national discourse degraded into email chainletters from grandma now? Apparently so, since Obama felt compelled to release his god damn birth certificate. Don't these people care that George Bush was a straight C student? Do they know that John McCain was born in Panama, and not in the United States? This is a prime example of why you don't negotiate with terrorists. And racism, it's a good example of racism too.

There's something extremely important going on that nobody seems to be talking about. Presidential hopefuls like Newt Gingrich and Donald Trump have made a living out of manipulating people to get what they want. They're sociopaths. You have to be really fucking stupid to buy into this birther crap. And if they really were that stupid, they wouldn't have been able to get to where they are. They don't believe this birther nonsense any more than you or me. They're saying what their supporters want to hear. That's it. They know they can't win on actual issues, because in terms of issues, they want to rape your average American up the ass. This is nothing but a distraction in order to get voters angry for the wrong reasons. From everything to abortion, to gay bashing, to Muslim bashing, to Bible-jerking, to red baiting -- distraction has been the Republican platform ever since Nixon. The reason why the United States is falling behind is because instead of focusing on education, or jobs, or health care, we focus on boogeymen lurking in the shadows.

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