Sunday, May 15, 2011

Keith Olbermann defends Michael Moore

A couple weeks ago, Michael Moore expressed concern at where the United States is going by assassinating Osama bin Laden -- an unarmed man -- instead of living up to our ideals and putting him on trial.

"We’ve lost something of our soul here in this country. Maybe I’m just an old-school American who believes in our judicial system."

You can't really argue with him. He's right. But at the same time, if there was any person on the planet where an assassination could be justifiable, Osama bin Laden would've been a good target. A trial would've been nice, if only to show the world that our 'soul' hadn't been completely lost during the Bush years, and yet as the leader of an entity that declared war on the United States, I don't see much of a problem with offing Osama outright, either. It's one of those discussions where I agree with both sides at the same time, and it pisses me off.

Anyway, as if Ed Schultz needed to further reinforce his fake populist irrelevance, he came out last week and strongly criticized Moore for saying these things. Schultz is a liberal on a liberal news network, so it raised some eyebrows. I actually caught this segment when it aired, and it reminded me why I don't watch him. Now it's the liberals in America who are using "intellectual" as an insult.

The fact of the matter is, the intellectual liberal hand-wringing needs to stop in this country. People who voted for President Obama had to know he was willing to go anywhere at anytime to take out the world’s number one terrorist."

Keith Olbermann made a Special Comment a few days ago defending Moore (Yes, he's still making things. His new show on Current TV starts on June 20, btw). He expressed his own views, in that he personally has no problem with the assassination, but he also urged respect and acceptance for those who disagreed with him. It's Olbermann at his best, and it just makes me miss him more.

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