Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Swine Flu and Buttsecks

Just thought I'd mention this while it's still fresh on my mind. Last week, Vice President Joe Biden went on some news show and said that he's telling his family to avoid airplanes, subways, and confined public places if they can, so they won't get swine flu. It was nothing the media hasn't been beating into our heads endlessly over the last couple weeks, and everyone should being doing it if they don't want to get sick because it's common sense.

Fox News is really fucking hilarious. A couple days ago, these hosts on Fox and Friends played the clip of Biden saying these things, and sat around making fun of him. They said he was trying to scare the public. He was overhyping the swine flu. Yeah, really. Fox News seriously said this. And remember, this wasn't even an opinion show like Hannity or O'Reilly, this was on Fox and Friends. Fox and Friends is their morning news show, it's supposed to be happy and giddy and help you start the day off fresh. They neglected to mention how their own network literally called swine flu the "next black death."

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Enemy Swine: A Pigcalypse Now
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorFirst 100 Days

The current swine flu outbreak is suspected to have killed 150 people worldwide, at the very most. More realistic estimates put it at 100. Only 11 of those cases have been confirmed. In the United States alone, normal flu hospitalizes 100,000 people every single year. 36,000 die.

This is nothing but a false alarm just like SARS and avian flu, and the media is just scaring everyone shitless for ratings. It's what they do. They're unethical, heartless bastards who never bother to do any god damn reporting. If they keep crying wolf like this, nobody is going to take them seriously if an actual threat ever does break out, such as the coming zombie apocalypse for example.

Shortly after this trainwreck, the hosts asked Mike Huckabee to talk about Miss California's thoughts on gay marriage. Pretty much everybody's seen this by now, but

Miss California got 2nd place, and Mike Huckabee accused the judges of not letting her win because of her answer to this question. He said, in these exact words, "So much for tolerance," almost as if faggot-bashing bigots are the ones who are being tolerant.

Miss California thinks it's great how our country allows us to choose between gay marriage and "opposite marriage." Then she says we shouldn't let gays marry. I would like her to describe her definition of "choose." And opposite marriage. This woman is a complete dumbfuck, and I'm guessing she's used to free passes in life because of how hot she is. Her sorry excuse for a mind contributes absolutely nothing to the human race. She is a worthless sack of human shit just like most of Miss America's participants and judges, since they don't look the quality of women based on things that matter, but rather on how pretty they are.

This is the first time I've ever heard of Perez Hilton, so I don't know if he typically does things like this. But if he really did vote against Miss California because of her answer, like Huckabee is accusing him of doing, then Perez Hilton is a hero. This woman's shameful opinion is worthless and disgusting. It only showed America that she doesn't want others experiencing the same happiness she's able to. It proved just how cold and empty her heart really is. If this competition was actually based on morality, intellect, and things that actually matter, then her losing it was pure justice.

You should respect someone who disagrees with you if they're able to back up their claims with arguments that are rational and make sense. Opponents of gay marriage are the only widely accepted group of people in the country whose opinions do not deserve respect in any form. You don't respect racists. You don't respect sexists. Just like with racism and sexism, their worldview is not based on any sort of rational argument, but rather on blind fear. They say the bible opposes gay marriage, while refusing to acknowledge the fact that our government cannot endorse Christianity as law. They say it's not natural, when there are literally thousands of documented accounts of animals in same-sex relationships, sometimes adopting and successfully raising orphans that would have otherwise perished. They say it's not "traditional," when the word is absolutely meaningless and contributes nothing to the debate. They say it will lead to polygamy, incest, and bestiality, when gays aren't asking for any of these things, and they're avoiding the discussion entirely.

Gays getting married will never, ever effect them. And yet they still feel the need to suppress the rights of others so they can pat themselves on the back and be smothered with their sick delusion that they are somehow doing the right thing. I seriously think that most of these idiots think you have to be gay to support gay rights. Either that, or they harbor homosexual urges themselves and can't deal with it, so they lash out at the faggotry outside their heads as a defense mechanism. I'm really trying to figure out why these people think like this. They cannot be reasoned with. It's beyond their capacity to question established thinking, because the mere thought altering their safe little box just downright petrifies them. Human beings are separated from the animals by our reasoning powers, so I guess that means they're less human than the rest of us.

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