Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Does NBC Stand for "No Believers (Especially) Christians"?

Spoiler alert: yes.

Actions speak louder than words. At NBC, those actions meant removing the words “under God” from the “Pledge of Allegiance” last weekend. Under God? Clearly, NBC thinks it is over God. Thankfully, the rest of America doesn’t agree.

I like how he says "actions speak louder than words," and then he endorses a pledge of allegiance to a country, and the words "under God" in that pledge.

As a result, NBC (perhaps it should now stand for "No Believers [especially] Christians") has had to issue two apologies, the second no better than the first. The offending U.S. Open segment included children reciting nearly all of the pledge, interspersed with patriotic images. Afterward, Dan Hicks said, during the broadcast of the golfing action that “regrettably, a portion of the Pledge of Allegiance that was in that feature was edited out. It was not done to upset anyone and we’d like to apologize to those of you who were offended by it.”

NBC employees commit an act of religious bigotry designed to offend people of faith. But that’s just editing. No, it was done twice. The first time three words were removed. The second time five. Both times, “under God” was cut out by the anti-religious lefty loons of NBC.

Lolllll I don't even know why I care about this shit anymore. This guy isn't an idiot. He's a propagandist using kneejerk emotion and empty phrases to turn Fox News fans against one of the their competitors. THIS WAS DESIGNED TO OFFEND YOU! YOU ARE OFFENDED NOW! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

This should be common knowledge by now and I don't know why I'm bothering to repeat it, but 'Under God' was not added to the pledge until 1954. The first amendment separates church from state, and it is against the law. Whether or not the majority supports it is irrelevant. It's unconstitutional. End of discussion. You're offended that your belief system was not reinforced in an empty collection of words endorsed by your government? I'm offended that I have to put up with your endless bullshit 24/7. Not every American believes in God. Did you know atheists/agnostics outnumber Mormons? Why can't you fucking deal with that? As if pledging undying allegiance to a country wasn't dumb enough, you really feel like we're obligated to pledge our allegiance to your Christian God against our will? Fuck you. Do you realize what the definition of totalitarianism is? Do you understand why we fight this so hard? In your entire life, have you ever said anything that 90% of the those around you were not repeating? Have you ever thought for yourself?

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