Monday, June 13, 2011

Interesting Reddit thread of the day: What social norm do you hate?

Some of my favorites:

  • The fact it's considered rude to correct someone (even politely), but it's not considered rude to endlessly inject uneducated, unsupported and even provably wrong opinions into our shared discourse in the first place.

    It's like bitching not when someone shits in the pool, but when someone scoops it out. And worse, it's magic shit that - if it gets anywhere near them - makes other people more likely to shit in the pool themselves in the future.

    Continue that for long enough, and sooner or later the entire pool's more shit than water... and yet we unthinkingly defend the thoughtlessly incontinent, and instead usually bitch out the people doing the dirty, thankless job of trying to keep the pool clean in spite of them.

  • Getting drunk as being the pinnacle of “having fun”.

  • The way it’s normal for people to spend 5 out of every 7 days of their lives working long hours in a job they hate just to be able to survive.

    Also the attitude of “Your lucky to even have a job”

  • Telling people their baby is cute. Babies are not cute. All babies look like Winston Churchill.

  • I hate that the ignorant are prideful about said ignorance.

  • We ignore the corruption/campaign finance issues and instead focus on what politicians are doing with their genitals. We’ve got some fucked up priorities.

  • Not being able to talk to a woman I find interesting without her/the people around assuming I have a sexual motive. :(

  • How drinking is so involved in socialization of my age group (18-25).

  • God, I fucking hate this. I’m 26 and don’t drink at all. Whenever I decline a drink from someone they look at me like I’m a mutant. They can’t fathom a person who doesn’t drink. Then you get those assholes who keep nagging you about being a pussy for not drinking even though you’ve explained several times why you don’t drink. It’s gotten to the point where I’d much rather stay home than deal with being ostricized out in public.

  • Getting smashed, vomiting, having your judgement compromised and doing something completely stupid and then waking up with a hangover is perfectly acceptable. But smoking some pot makes you a pothead.

  • Diamonds. It used to be that all I had to buy was a ring (a symbol of commitment) but NOW I have to buy a diamond and nobody seems to understand that it is a huge rip off. This is the product of an extremely successful marketing ploy to sell more diamonds at a higher price from the 1930’s. If you’re in marketing, kill yourself…

  • Men lose respect among their peers for not being misogynistic.

  • Women not layered in make-up are unattractive.

  • Men may not, under any circumstance, show emotion.

  • I hate that a large portion of the American voting population actively celebrate their blatant ignorance. These are the people that are willfully unaware of current events and geography,and suspicious of science. The people who are racist, or homophobic or xenophobic and believe that anywhere that isn’t the US is some backward third world full of mud huts. These people vote based on their “core values” which is a code word for jesus and will elect the candidate who plays the christian fiddle the loudest.

  • Dichotomous gender roles.

  • Religion.

  • People are allowed to have opinions on things they don’t fully understand and vocalise them like their opinion matters (ie someone who has never read a book before calls reading boring, people who don’t enjoy sports constantly saying that they’re boring ect).

  • society discriminates against the creatures of the night. fuck you, day walkers!

  • That knowledge and wisdom are positively correlated with age.

    Similarly, that my opinion is irrelevant and easily dismissed simply because I’m young. Particularly when it comes to politics. Even though I just graduated in the subject from one of the top schools in the country, people (who seriously have no idea what they’re talking about) brush off anything I say because I’m ‘young and don’t know anything’.

  • I abhor that I am constantly asked “how things are with the ladies”. That I have to fool around with multiple women. That I must live a lustful life of many sexual conquests with women or else I am a homosexual.

    I don’t care about sex. I care about the elegance and agility that that cat outside my window shows as it hops from rooftop to rooftop, walks on ledges and thin walls with ease.

    I want a woman to have meaningful conversations with, to share my every experience with. To care for and be cared by. Share my hobbies with and to have her cook me dinner because I am a horrible cook. Not to just fuck senseless and leave on her cum stained bed as I walk out, already lusting for the next woman.

    Maybe we will fuck each other senseless. But I don’t want that to be the basis of our relationship.

  • I’d prefer if cooperation was the norm instead of competition.

  • Having kids. I get nagged all the time and told that I’ll change my mind…. but I don’t want any. Ever.

  • The one thing that bugs me most is that you need a license for every possible thing, but every moron is allowed to have a child.

  • The ‘Live to Work’ mentality and the mentality that anyone that doesn’t is a worthless slacker.

    I work to put a roof over my head, to feed myself, and to buy the things I enjoy.

    Being a cog in some machine is not my purpose in life; it’s how I support my life. Passing on working double shifts during the week and then two singles on the weekend does not make me lazy, it means that I value my life and have enough money to save at an acceptable pace. I may not be considered the ‘hero’ that the managers love for not having to have 2 extra people on staff because of me, but I’m not going to look back at my life when I’m 60 and say that I have nothing to look back on fondly because all I did was slave away all day every day.

  • I find it a glaring indictment of American culture that owners are presented the trophy at the superbowl.

  • The idea that logic is somehow “cold,” “inhuman,” or even a difficult specialization that only some people need to do.

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