This is pretty big news by now, but Arlen Specter, a Republican for 43 years, has defected to the Democratic Party because he feels the Republican Party has moved too far to the right. Instead of realizing their party has moved too far to the right, the Republicans have proceeded to shove their fingers in their ears, and attempt to discredit Specter's librul character--the tactic they always resort to when they can't come up with any arguments.
I'm a fan of the two-party system, but its most prominent problem is that it thrives on group mentality. You know your democracy is extremely healthy when someone is able to disagree with his own party on any issue he wants to. The Democrats have been accomplishing this by splitting on a number of issues, such as whether we should have bailed out certain corporations, or whether we should pursue trials for the war crimes that the Bush Administration committed. There's strong disagreement over things like these, but the party has still managed to stick together with a mutual respect for each others' views. Republicans have not been able to do this. Whenever a Republican disagrees with his party, it's viewed as a sign of weakness or cowardice. Every single time it happens, they immediately have dirty, nasty sex with the no true Scotsman fallacy, asserting that the defector just isn't a REAL Republican! So to avoid these accusations, these people just decide not to think for themselves and follow along with whatever the hell their leaders say.
That's why they mindlessly went along with George Bush for eight years before throwing him under a bus, and it's also why the Republican party at the moment is being run by extremists and people who pander to extremists. They can't slow the train down because don't hold the capacity to question anything. Their view of the world is limited to extremes and they can't deal with the fact that moderates even exist. So they have to slap labels on everyone to convince themselves of the delusional lie they're consumed in--that the opposition is just as extreme as they are; that Barack Obama is a socialist, or that he's a fascist, or that he pals around with terrorists. Their mentality thrives on straw men as their only possible enemy, which is dangerous to both their own mental state, and the country as a whole.
So let's point and laugh at their depressing fantasy world. Here's a video mashup.
Republican Senator Olympia Snowe feels that the far right is destroying the Republican Party, and they should return to their roots.
In the heat of discussion, Sean Hannity has recently said that he would personally undergo waterboarding in order to prove that it should not be considered torture. Political commentator Keith Olbermann challenged him to go through with it, offering any charity of his choice $1000 dollars for every second he can sustain it. Sean Hannity has yet to mention it again.
Christopher Hitchens, an outspoken libertarian, atheist, and personal hero of mine, at one point believed that waterboarding should not be called torture. He was challenged to have it done to himself, and he accepted. The experience shifted his opinion entirely. Every person who calls himself an American has an responsibility to watch this.
Brian Kilmeade doesn't think John McCain should have any right to speak on torture... because... he was tortured?
Michelle Bachmann finds it "interesting" that the last time the swine flu broke out was back in the 70s under "another Democrat president, Jimmy Carter. I'm not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it's an interesting coincidence."
Well if she's not blaming it on Barack Obama, then what the hell is she doing? What was she trying to say? What was her point? How is this "interesting coincidence" a coincidence at all, if she then immediately clarifies that it is not in fact a coincidence? I know this is part of the Republican playbook, but you can't say something completely retarded, and then claim in your very next sentence that you didn't say it. Either stand by your words or admit you were mistaken, you god damn coward.
Also, I don't think she knows that the last swine flu actually broke out in 1976 under Republican President Gerald Ford--the guy who pardoned Nixon. COINCIDENCE? I think not. I want to know why she thinks Barack Obama caused this. Does she think God launches disease on us as retribution for occasionally electing immigrant sodomizers? Our bad, God. Please stop clicking the Sim City 2000 disaster button on us. This insane person is a member of the House of Representatives, doesn't that frighten anyone? Because it should. Unlike Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, or Rush Limbaugh, SHE HAS A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF CONTROL OVER OUR LIVES.
Other than the media, no one can be blamed for this overhyped media scare, but let's pretend anyway. If we could blame the swine flu on anyone, then it's the Republicans' fault by putting on a spectacle to prevent a vote on Kathleen Sebelius, Obama's choice to head the Department of Health and Human Services. Why did they do this? She supports abortion. In case you didn't know, the debate over the legality of abortion in the United States has been settled for quite some time. Now, maybe if they tried blocking someone who opposed U.S. law, I might be able to understand where they're coming from. But I don't understand this. Abortion was going to continue even if Sebelius hadn't been confirmed. And she was going to be confirmed whether they did this or not. These sorry excuses for people are nothing but traitorous shitbags who are obstructing my government, and it shames me to no end to share the title of "American" with them.
Hey I know, let's introduce something that will obviously not pass, and then use it to accuse Democrats of hating veterans.
Oh really, Sean? I can't recall there ever being violent crimes in this country directed at people solely because of their veteran status. From what I can tell, veterans are the most respected group in the entire country. Have there ever been American lynch mobs that actively seek out, torture, and hang members of the armed forces?
If anyone hates veterans, it's the closeted homosexual conservatives who enjoy kicking soldiers who defend us out of the military in disgrace because of their sexual orientation. Or maybe it's the Republicans who refused to pay World War I veterans and their families the bonuses they were promised, which led to this utter tragedy.
"President Hoover ordered the Army assault stopped, however, Gen. MacArthur—feeling this free-speech exercise was a Communist attempt at overthrowing the U.S. Government—ignored the President and ordered a new attack. Hundreds of veterans were injured, several were killed — including William Hushka and Eric Carlson; a veteran's wife miscarried; and many other veterans were hurt."Douglas MacArthur was a fucking jackass, I'm glad his myth is starting to get torn down.
According to Matthew Shepard's parents, he was " optimistic and accepting young man [who] had a special gift of relating to almost everyone. He was the type of person who was very approachable and always looked to new challenges. Matthew had a great passion for equality and always stood up for the acceptance of people's differences." It comforts me knowing his mother was sitting there in the room and heard this woman spew these sickening lies about her dead son.
You know, considering the history of social issues in the United States, the side that didn't murder people was usually the one that came out in the right. That's how to decide which issues you should support. Go with the side that doesn't kill people.
And last but not least,
The founding fathers were all brilliant men, but they were also elitist fucktards. When they wrote the Constitution, they intended the U.S. government to be based more on the Roman Republic, rather than the Greek Democracy. At first only the upper class were actually allowed to vote. They didn't want the uneducated lower class riff raff to take part in the democratic process, because they feared that a true democracy in the Greek sense would inevitably lead to forceful mob rule, and the minority would be endlessly oppressed. They were smart. Their solution was dead wrong, but still, what they feared is a legitimate concern. Luckily, the kinks have been ironed out over the centuries. We slowly started opening up the democratic process to everyone, and at the same time, started implementing more checks and balances to protect the minority. We're now left with an amazing fusion between Democracy and Republic. It's truly the most beautiful form of government that has ever graced the earth.
These fuckers with the guns? Yeah, they're the angry uneducated mob the founders were scared of. If I had to design a government, I wouldn't let them vote either. I'm just saying.