Wednesday, April 29, 2009

GOP in Exile Stark Raving Madness

I've been neglecting this blog largely because I finally got Empire: Total War to work. I've been wasting most of my free time with it, and haven't been paying attention to the news, or really much of the outside world you'd typically call "reality." I'll probably make a post about it soon, but to catch up, I've neglected to update on the moderate conservatives' huge victory recently in the Republican Civil War.

This is pretty big news by now, but Arlen Specter, a Republican for 43 years, has defected to the Democratic Party because he feels the Republican Party has moved too far to the right. Instead of realizing their party has moved too far to the right, the Republicans have proceeded to shove their fingers in their ears, and attempt to discredit Specter's librul character--the tactic they always resort to when they can't come up with any arguments.

I'm a fan of the two-party system, but its most prominent problem is that it thrives on group mentality. You know your democracy is extremely healthy when someone is able to disagree with his own party on any issue he wants to. The Democrats have been accomplishing this by splitting on a number of issues, such as whether we should have bailed out certain corporations, or whether we should pursue trials for the war crimes that the Bush Administration committed. There's strong disagreement over things like these, but the party has still managed to stick together with a mutual respect for each others' views. Republicans have not been able to do this. Whenever a Republican disagrees with his party, it's viewed as a sign of weakness or cowardice. Every single time it happens, they immediately have dirty, nasty sex with the no true Scotsman fallacy, asserting that the defector just isn't a REAL Republican! So to avoid these accusations, these people just decide not to think for themselves and follow along with whatever the hell their leaders say.

That's why they mindlessly went along with George Bush for eight years before throwing him under a bus, and it's also why the Republican party at the moment is being run by extremists and people who pander to extremists. They can't slow the train down because don't hold the capacity to question anything. Their view of the world is limited to extremes and they can't deal with the fact that moderates even exist. So they have to slap labels on everyone to convince themselves of the delusional lie they're consumed in--that the opposition is just as extreme as they are; that Barack Obama is a socialist, or that he's a fascist, or that he pals around with terrorists. Their mentality thrives on straw men as their only possible enemy, which is dangerous to both their own mental state, and the country as a whole.

So let's point and laugh at their depressing fantasy world. Here's a video mashup.

Republican Senator Olympia Snowe feels that the far right is destroying the Republican Party, and they should return to their roots.


In the heat of discussion, Sean Hannity has recently said that he would personally undergo waterboarding in order to prove that it should not be considered torture. Political commentator Keith Olbermann challenged him to go through with it, offering any charity of his choice $1000 dollars for every second he can sustain it. Sean Hannity has yet to mention it again.

Christopher Hitchens, an outspoken libertarian, atheist, and personal hero of mine, at one point believed that waterboarding should not be called torture. He was challenged to have it done to himself, and he accepted. The experience shifted his opinion entirely. Every person who calls himself an American has an responsibility to watch this.


Brian Kilmeade doesn't think John McCain should have any right to speak on torture... because... he was tortured?


Michelle Bachmann finds it "interesting" that the last time the swine flu broke out was back in the 70s under "another Democrat president, Jimmy Carter. I'm not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it's an interesting coincidence."

Well if she's not blaming it on Barack Obama, then what the hell is she doing? What was she trying to say? What was her point? How is this "interesting coincidence" a coincidence at all, if she then immediately clarifies that it is not in fact a coincidence? I know this is part of the Republican playbook, but you can't say something completely retarded, and then claim in your very next sentence that you didn't say it. Either stand by your words or admit you were mistaken, you god damn coward.

Also, I don't think she knows that the last swine flu actually broke out in 1976 under Republican President Gerald Ford--the guy who pardoned Nixon. COINCIDENCE? I think not. I want to know why she thinks Barack Obama caused this. Does she think God launches disease on us as retribution for occasionally electing immigrant sodomizers? Our bad, God. Please stop clicking the Sim City 2000 disaster button on us. This insane person is a member of the House of Representatives, doesn't that frighten anyone? Because it should. Unlike Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, or Rush Limbaugh, SHE HAS A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF CONTROL OVER OUR LIVES.

Other than the media, no one can be blamed for this overhyped media scare, but let's pretend anyway. If we could blame the swine flu on anyone, then it's the Republicans' fault by putting on a spectacle to prevent a vote on Kathleen Sebelius, Obama's choice to head the Department of Health and Human Services. Why did they do this? She supports abortion. In case you didn't know, the debate over the legality of abortion in the United States has been settled for quite some time. Now, maybe if they tried blocking someone who opposed U.S. law, I might be able to understand where they're coming from. But I don't understand this. Abortion was going to continue even if Sebelius hadn't been confirmed. And she was going to be confirmed whether they did this or not. These sorry excuses for people are nothing but traitorous shitbags who are obstructing my government, and it shames me to no end to share the title of "American" with them.


Hey I know, let's introduce something that will obviously not pass, and then use it to accuse Democrats of hating veterans.

Oh really, Sean? I can't recall there ever being violent crimes in this country directed at people solely because of their veteran status. From what I can tell, veterans are the most respected group in the entire country. Have there ever been American lynch mobs that actively seek out, torture, and hang members of the armed forces?

If anyone hates veterans, it's the closeted homosexual conservatives who enjoy kicking soldiers who defend us out of the military in disgrace because of their sexual orientation. Or maybe it's the Republicans who refused to pay World War I veterans and their families the bonuses they were promised, which led to this utter tragedy.
"President Hoover ordered the Army assault stopped, however, Gen. MacArthur—feeling this free-speech exercise was a Communist attempt at overthrowing the U.S. Government—ignored the President and ordered a new attack. Hundreds of veterans were injured, several were killed — including William Hushka and Eric Carlson; a veteran's wife miscarried; and many other veterans were hurt."
Douglas MacArthur was a fucking jackass, I'm glad his myth is starting to get torn down.


Republican Representative Virginia Foxx knows what teh gheys are really planning.


According to Matthew Shepard's parents, he was " optimistic and accepting young man [who] had a special gift of relating to almost everyone. He was the type of person who was very approachable and always looked to new challenges. Matthew had a great passion for equality and always stood up for the acceptance of people's differences." It comforts me knowing his mother was sitting there in the room and heard this woman spew these sickening lies about her dead son.

You know, considering the history of social issues in the United States, the side that didn't murder people was usually the one that came out in the right. That's how to decide which issues you should support. Go with the side that doesn't kill people.


And last but not least,

The founding fathers were all brilliant men, but they were also elitist fucktards. When they wrote the Constitution, they intended the U.S. government to be based more on the Roman Republic, rather than the Greek Democracy. At first only the upper class were actually allowed to vote. They didn't want the uneducated lower class riff raff to take part in the democratic process, because they feared that a true democracy in the Greek sense would inevitably lead to forceful mob rule, and the minority would be endlessly oppressed. They were smart. Their solution was dead wrong, but still, what they feared is a legitimate concern. Luckily, the kinks have been ironed out over the centuries. We slowly started opening up the democratic process to everyone, and at the same time, started implementing more checks and balances to protect the minority. We're now left with an amazing fusion between Democracy and Republic. It's truly the most beautiful form of government that has ever graced the earth.

These fuckers with the guns? Yeah, they're the angry uneducated mob the founders were scared of. If I had to design a government, I wouldn't let them vote either. I'm just saying.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A couple weeks go I found a Satanist group on facebook. Like, real Satanists. From the looks of it, they didn't seem to worship an actual physical Satan, just the philosophy they think Satan would go by, like selfish revenge shit. I commented on their wall a few times. I just checked back and it looked like all my comments were deleted. But that's okay. I anticipated that, and took screenshots of the whole thing. Click on the picture to read it.

I don't really know what Glenn Beck is talking about, but I think he just blamed the swine flu on Barack Obama?

Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday Youtube Post

Forgot it again yesterday

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I'm usually no cheerleader for the death penalty, but man, is this satisfying.

And the son who was held captive and raped repeatedly for more than a year? His website says he now has a Bachelor's in General Studies with minors in Psychology, Speech Communications, and Philosophy. He's trained police officers, teachers, and parents on sexual abuse risk reduction. He now spends his life going around the country speaking to and supporting victims of sexual violence. And his dad didn't spend a day in jail. Now that's a happy ending.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Liberalism: The Philosophy of Patriots

Oh no, you guys. My worst fear has come true. I'm a socialist now. The Republicans say so.
A conservative faction of the Republican National Committee is urging the GOP to take a harder line against both Democrats and wayward Republicans, drafting a resolution to rename the opposition the “Democrat Socialist Party” and moving to rebuke the three Republican senators who supported the stimulus package.

In an e-mail sent Wednesday to the 168 voting members of the committee, RNC member James Bopp, Jr. accused President Obama of wanting “to restructure American society along socialist ideals.”

“The proposed resolution acknowledges that and calls upon the Democrats to be truthful and honest with the American people by renaming themselves the Democrat Socialist Party,” wrote Bopp, the Republican committeeman from Indiana. “Just as President Reagan’s identification of the Soviet Union as the ‘evil empire’ galvanized opposition to communism, we hope that the accurate depiction of the Democrats as a Socialist Party will galvanize opposition to their march to socialism.”

There's James Bopp. Just look. Look at that fucking guy. Jesus. Look at him. "Huuurrr durf durf look at me I'm James Bopp." Jesus, dude.

Didn't these guys get the memo? The word "socialism" has lost its oomph. They're supposed to be calling us fascists now, because hey, everybody still hates fascists.
“We’ve so overused the word ‘socialism’ that it no longer has the negative connotation it had 20 years ago, or even 10 years ago,” Mr. Anuzis said. “Fascism — everybody still thinks that’s a bad thing.”
I checked out a book from the library earlier today called "The American Tory" because I'm a huge nerdy faggot. The two political parties in Great Britain during the Revolutionary War were the Tories and the Whigs. The Tories supported the war in the colonies, and the Whigs opposed it. I love the very first words written in this book:
The conservative is by nature fearful. He risks only when confronted with no other alternative. He has courage, but only to face the known. He cannot project that courage into the future. In short, the conservative lacks daring and foresight; he holds, instead, an ability to innovate only within the narrow confines of the status quo. Conservatives are admired; but only those who dare are idolized, at least, those who dare successfully.

The American Tory has borne a double burden of historical and popular disapproval, since he could not envision future greatness as a separate nation and was long judged and condemned as unpatriotic. He espoused a political philosophy that was founded in tradition, in stable law, and non-polished justice. His arguments were, in more cases than not, well-reasoned, erudite, and ponderous with precedent. But the question must be asked: when must uncertain change take precedence over established belief? To the Tory mind gradual change was the utopian way; swift transition led only to chaos, anarchy, and the displacement, forever, of classical beauty. To his mind present evil was to be borne stoically, for a future grounded in tradition would erase his suffering. He could not see that such gradualism frequently results in complacency. Tradition very often loses its humanity and tries to find fulfillment in security.

Here's a quote from George Washington:

“As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.”

But George Washington was a socialist. Everyone knows that.

Thursday Music Post - Coheed and Cambria

Forgot about this last week too.

Coheed and Cambria releases nothing but concept albums. Each of their CDs revolve around a continuing story called "The Amory Wars," a written by their frontman Claudio Sanchez. It's basically a 14-year-old metalhead's wet dream. Wikipedia:
"The Amory Wars takes place in Heaven's Fence, a collection of 78 planets held in place by interconnecting beams of energy, known as the Keywork. The story revolves around the messianic Claudio Kilgannon, son of Coheed Kilgannon and Cambria Kilgannon. Over the course of the story, Claudio assumes the mantle of The Crowing, foretold savior of Heaven's Fence. In the end, he must face the "Supreme Tri-mage" Wilhelm Ryan, absolute ruler of Heaven's Fence and the one ultimately responsible for the death of Claudio's family."
Yeah, I don't bother following it either. I love how he names the messiah after himself.

They're a mix between a lot of different things and they're pretty hard to describe. I'd say they're Rush, At the Drive In, and Iron Maiden rolled into a single band. When asked what advice he'd give to aspiring rockers, Claudio replied, "Listen to Maiden."

They were also featured in Rock Band

Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday Youtube Post

Never got around to this yesterday, but

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy Patriot's Day

Did you know today is a holiday? Patriot's Day is just as important as the Fourth of July, but it's only observed in Massachusetts and Maine. 234 years ago today, the American Revolution began.

"Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here."


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wrex. Shepard.

I've always respected Shepard Smith. He seems to be the only voice of sanity on Fox. He's done things like calling Joe the Plumber out on his bullshit, calling out the phoney paranoia about the non-existent liberal media conspiracy, he's made fun of Glenn Beck for his complete insanity. He's basically awesome.

Hardline conservatives love making up controversies, and they've really been on a roll lately. They just love being victims. In response to the DHS's report about neo-nazi extremists, people like Limbaugh, Hannity, and Dobbs suddenly think they're neo-nazi extremists. They are just shocked, shocked, that the libruls would target the teabaggers like this! Because just like everything else on the entire planet, this report was only about them. All of it.

(throws hat on the ground and stomps on it before angrily shaking fist in the air)

Anyway, Shepard did something rarely seen on Fox News. He actually did his job as a reporter. He called these people out on their bullshit. It was beautiful.

I will guarantee you that anyone who's buying into this crap hasn't even read the thing. Not that they can read all dat gewd anyway. There are three key points the report makes. Quotes:

  • Threats from white supremacist and violent antigovernment groups during 2009 have been largely rhetorical and have not indicated plans to carry out violent acts. Nevertheless, the consequences of a prolonged economic downturn—including real estate foreclosures, unemployment, and an inability to obtain credit—could create a fertile recruiting environment for rightwing extremists and even result in confrontations between such groups and government authorities similar to those in the past.
  • The current economic and political climate has some similarities to the 1990s when rightwing extremism experienced a resurgence fueled largely by an economic recession, criticism about the outsourcing of jobs, and the perceived threat to U.S. power and sovereignty by other foreign powers.
  • The possible passage of new restrictions on firearms and the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.

It goes on to say,

A recent example of the potential violence associated with a rise in rightwing extremism may be found in the shooting deaths of three police officers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on 4 April 2009. The alleged gunman’s reaction reportedly was influenced by his racist ideology and belief in antigovernment conspiracy theories related to gun confiscations, citizen detention camps, and a Jewish-controlled “one world government.”

It's not often you get to see such blatant propaganda in action. Behold:

I love how they all say this attacks conservatives, when the word "conservative" isn't anywhere in the entire report. Information-gathering for this began back during the election, when George Bush was president. You know what that means. The people behind this report are targeting... THEMSELVES!! THE PLOT THICKENS.

I don't get it. How are you supposed to argue against this stuff? As soon as a conservative thinktank lie is exposed for the lie it is, the damage is done, and they already have a new lie out there. It's genius. These are some real fucking evil people doing this.

Friday, April 17, 2009

You know God makes great stuff!

This isn't some sort of youtube atheist making fun of religion. The Catholic Church really put it out. Hell, I'm all for it. It's about time these guys developed a sense of humor. I hope more of the religious follow suit.

Empire: Total War

I've had Empire: Total War sitting on my desk for about a month now. I couldn't play it for the first week I got it because I was so busy. The week after that was spring break, so I was fucking ecstatic. Instead of going on a trip or something like what a cool person would do, I instead decided waste the entire week with a dumb strategy game.

Not necessarily. I got a Macbook Pro a couple years ago because of my graphic design major, and I love it. I was a PC person for my entire life, but I was converted very quickly. Think of what Windows would be if it worked 100% of the time. That's what Macs are like. Well, at least the good ones, and the good ones aren't cheap. I'm not talking about those shitty rainbow colored ones we all used in junior high. If it's a real investment, then it will very rarely let you down. No maintenance, little updates, no freezing, no restarts. Omigah steve jobs.

Anyway, I have Windows installed on my Mac, but I only have 2 gigs devoted to it because I need all my memory for Mac OSX. I only have Windows installed for games, and I just put all of them on my external hard drive, which is about 250 gigs. Nope. Apparently, my external hard drive is in NTFS format. No, I don't know what that means either. Empire cannot install on a hard drive that is NTFS. It needed to be FAT32.

So I try to go through this process of converting it to FAT32, and Windows failed me once again. It wouldn't convert, no matter what I did. So I say fuck it, and decide just to reinstall Windows completely, but with enough memory on it so I wouldn't have to use the NTFS external hard drive. Then my Mac's operating system fails to partition off enough memory for it. I couldn't understand. I've done this at least three times before with absolutely no problems, but now it suddenly decides not to work. So there I was -- stuck with no Windows, and no way to play any games at all.

Fast forward to last weekend. I finally have the time to mess with it again. I had had enough of this shit, I didn't want to try to figure out why the partitioning wasn't working. So I just nuke everything and reinstall my Mac's entire operating system. So far so good, I partitioned off about 20 gigs. I insert the Windows disk, and it can't read it. I wanted to shoot myself. Eventually, I remember the toothpaste trick. This is no joke, if you spread a thin layer of toothpaste over a scratched CD and quickly wash it all off before it dries, it fixes a lot of the scratches. I have no idea why. It just works. Rubbing a banana over the surface works too. Seriously, Google it. I want to know how people figure this out. So anyway I do this to the Windows CD, and IT WORKED. Windows began to install. After about ten minutes of installing, it asks me to restart so it can install some more shit. I restart. Now it can't read the CD anymore. I spend the rest of the night crying on my bed with a gun in my mouth.

And it's not that the CD is even that scratched. My CD drive is just broken. It can barely read anything at all anymore. I'm guessing the lens is either FUBAR or just needs to be cleaned. I don't want to waste $80 on an external CD drive, especially since the only ones available in this shithole town work only on PCs. I've checked. I actually found a site with instructions on how to take apart a Macbook to get to it. But I don't trust myself enough to mess with it. My dad basically stole my PC (which would not be able to run this game), so this is the only computer I have, and I rely on it completely for school. So I didn't want to fuck with it and risk breaking the entire thing.

I'm going to keep trying to install Windows with the toothpaste and the bananas and whatnot, but if I still can't get it to work by summer, I'm just going to drop my computer off at the Apple Store back in Springfield so they can fix it. Which is probably what I should do anyway. My warranty is still good, and they'll do it for free. But seriously. It isn't fair. I was so close. I've been following this game for a year, and now that it's finally released and IN MY HANDS, I can't play it. I'm looking at it right now. It's just sitting there. Taunting me. Fuck you, Empire: Total War. Fuck you.

To help soften this pain deep inside me, I've been watching Total War videos, and lurking Total War forums. This dude on Youtube basically spends his entire life battling people online, and then watching the replays and giving strategy commentary. It's ridiculously awesome, but at the same time it's a little sad because he uploads a new video like every other day. Doesn't he have school, or a job or something? Here's a sentence from his channel: "Criticizing Alexander the Great in any way, shape or form will get you banned from my page." Serious business. Here's a good video. I've turned the HD on with the embedding, so if it loads slow, just click it in the corner and turn it off.

I haven't seen very many mods for this game yet, but there were a shitton of them for previous Total War games. My favorite for Rome was the Total Realism mod, which made the battles last longer and much more realistic. There's a Lord of the Rings one somewhere, but I've never played it. Right now some players are making a Song of Ice and Fire mod for Medeival 2. It's coming along very slowly, and they've only made a couple factions so far. I doubt it'll ever get done. Here's some Starks fighting some Lannisters (click for big).

I'm hoping for a Civil War mod for Empire. Fuck, that would amazing. A long time ago, I vowed I was going to recreate historic Revolutionary War battles with Empire, and upload the videos to Youtube. I haven't forgotten about this. It's actually the main reason I want to get it installed it so badly. I made a couple battles with Rome (links to them are in that other link), and Youtubers loved them. I HAVE FANS, OKAY? One of them's been taken down because of a song I used in it though. I'm planning on reuploading it soon with a different song.

That old post detailed some music I've found that I'll probably be using in the battles, but I've since discovered a composer named Hans Zimmer. Holy fuck.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Remember that resolution proposed to the UN that limits free speech by making it illegal to "defame" religion? It passed. Luckily, it's non-binding, meaning it's completely useless. It will never become law, and it's really just there for moral support. So I will do my patriotic duty as an American, and defy this unjust resolution by saying that Islam, like every religion ever devised by man, is nothing by a tool used by the powerful to harden hearts and enslave minds.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Barack Obama is a fascist because he's a fascist

Quick: What happens when an angry mob that knows absolutely nothing about history, pretends to know everything about history?

I should just give up and turn this into a youtube blog already. Here's a video mashup of today's events.

Fox had a busy day

Here's someone who doesn't know what fascism is telling me to "wake up." That's when I know when to take someone seriously. When they tell me I need to wake up. I love how he implies at the beginning that the Constitution was written at the Boston Tea Party.

A heroic protester gives a CNN reporter a compelling argument
"I think he's a fascist."
"Because he is."

The love of my life Ana Marie Cox is interviewed by Rachel Maddow about her field trip to the tea parties.

And finally, here's the best video of all. The Wonkette reports that some lady told them this guy was a planted ACORN agent.

Hm. Well I guess these protests today actually improved Obama's standing with the public. The source is Gallup. They're libruls tho. Probably run by ACORN.

Afghan women protest legalized rape, get stones thrown at them

In Afghanistan, the nation we liberated where democracy is thriving, a law was just passed which makes it legal for a husband to rape his wife. 300 female protesters were met by 1000 male counter-protesters. Counter-protesters throw stones at them.

Idiots celebrating their idiocy

Today, conservatives from across the nation gathered on behalf of the richest 1% of the country to protest the tax breaks they'll be receiving. They call the protests a “Tea Party,” in comparison to the Boston Tea Party, effectively raping the immortals who gave them their country.

These protests were actually first organized by the libertarians, and they are pissed that republicans have jumped in and hijacked it. On O'Reilly a few minutes ago, Bill was OUTRAGED that da librul media was ignoring it, seemingly unaware that Fox News is fucking obsessed with it, and is promoting and supporting it. He's pretending that they're only covering it because the American people are "coming together" for a single cause, and partisanship has nothing to do with it. Because Fox devoted entire news days to Iraq War protests all the time. He just said "Fox News respects dissent." Fair and Balanced.

Oh and one more thing, corporate lobbyists are raising money for these protests. Grassroots.

I've also noticed that Fox is trying to downplay the Right-Wing Extremism report that was made up by the librul media. Except it wasn't made up by any media, and it was an official report by the Department of Homeland Security. Barack Obama is obviously pulling the strings. Because he is an evil, evil man. A woman on Fox said Obama was trying to "quell the voices" of every day citizens. Like neo-nazis. Apparently these people have already forgotten about the white supremacist who murdered three police officers because he was afraid Barack Obama was going to take away his guns. He was an ordinary citizen I guess. That same woman said "they" would never make a report about left-wing extremists. The report released in 2001 about left-wing extremists doesn't count.

Here's a video from a February 27 protest. As you can see, there are some extremely intelligent people who go to these things.

People are called “mindless sheep” too often these days, and I rarely use the term unless it actually means something. But every person featured in this video is either a racist, or a partisan sheep. Nobody is demanding to see Joe Biden's birth certificate, or Sarah Palin's, or John McCain's. John McCain wasn't born in the United States. He was born in Panama on a U.S. Military base, but they don't give a fuck about that, or how it could be questionable for his legitimacy as a candidate.

Here's Barack Obama's birth certificate. It says he was born in Hawaii.

It has been verified by people who have actually touched and examined it

Honolulu's Advertiser and Star-Bulletin newspapers published these in August 1961
. They both announced the birth of Barack H. Obama.

Star-Bulletin? Advertiser? More like the LIBRUL PINKO NEW YORK TIMES AM I RIGHT??

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Well, fuck. Conservatives are pounding the backwards "states' rights" drum again. The governor of Texas is supporting resolution HCR 50, which "designates that all compulsory federal legislation that requires states to comply under threat of civil or criminal penalties, or that requires states to pass legislation or lose federal funding, be prohibited or repealed."
"I believe that our federal government has become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of our citizens, and its interference with the affairs of our state,” Gov. Perry said. “That is why I am here today to express my unwavering support for efforts all across our country to reaffirm the states’ rights affirmed by the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I believe that returning to the letter and spirit of the U.S. Constitution and its essential 10th Amendment will free our state from undue regulations, and ultimately strengthen our Union."
I believe we should return to the United States Constitution as well, to the part called the Supremacy Clause, which says you can't spout this crap, and federal law trumps state law every time. Remember the last time they did this? When southern states thought they had more authority than Brown vs. Board of Education, and physically prevented children from going to school? They thought they had more authority than the federal government then, too. It was same mentality when all those fuckers seceded from the Union. And again during the nullification crisis under Jackson. How many more times are these retards going to do this before they realize they're not allowed to? Jesus fuck.

On the same note, Homeland Security is warning local law enforcement agencies that right wing extremism is on the rise. They define this extremism as "mainly anti-government, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely." Which means the Governor of Texas is probably on a watchlist.

VenomFangX - A Sack of Human Waste

Holy shit. Remember VenomFangX? He made a video called "Refuting Atheistic Naturalism." I tore it apart bit by bit.

Well, I'm proud to say that he's learned from the greats. Just like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and every other corrupt televangelist fucktard who has ever made an appearance on television, VenomFangX is now pocketing donations he originally claimed would be going to charities. It appears he did not do this with malicious intent, but it happened nonetheless.

"dprjones" has made a couple videos that explain what's happened. Unfortunately, Venom has since taken down the videos that have led to this.

I don't understand why the "I will donate to charity" claim is so tempting to those who are willing to give to these people. If they're only donating on behalf of the sick kids, why do they always insist on giving money to a middle man instead of directly to the kids themselves? Is it because they really do want some of it to go their "ministry" instead of meds, food, research, and you know, things that directly benefit the well-being of humanity? That's like giving money to those Christian missionaries in third world countries. It's not so terrible when you waste money on bibles and churches, when that money could be going to food and medicine. It's okay if people die as long as they die Christian.

Back during the election, my roommate Larenzo criticized me for giving twenty-five bucks to Barack Obama's campaign (I mailed it directly, so my McCain-supporting parents wouldn't catch it on the credit card, heh heh). Larenzo wasn't mad because he supported someone else (he's apathetic). He was just trying to say that there were a lot better things I could have given my money to. I told him there are thousands of causes that need money, and you just have to settle and pick one. I also pointed out that he has no right to talk because he didn't give anything to anyone at all.

So to prove to myself that I'm not being a hypocrite with this post, I just gave twenty dollars to Children's Defense Fund and twenty dollars to Doctors Without Borders, because my overly generous grandma just gave me like a hundred bucks in easter money and there aren't really any games out right now that I'd otherwise waste it all on. VenomFangX was the one who motivated me to do this, so I guess he isn't a complete sack of human waste.

Here's a great site that rates charities for their efficiency if you want it.

Monday, April 13, 2009

This is one of the most tragic things I've ever heard.

A mentally ill atheist who rambled on his youtube channel about how retarded Christians are, just murdered a girl he had a crush on in his classroom before shooting himself. Just kidding, he was a Christian with a history of mental illness who rambled about atheists, evolution, and women.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sunday Youtube Post

And on the same note, the great Christopher Hitchens explains why America is not a Christian nation.

A disclaimer, I don't know where Hitchens got the information that Ben Franklin was an atheist, but I'm pretty sure he's wrong, unless he's lumping deism and atheism in the same category. But in fairness, like most of the founders, he would have been an atheist if he knew about Darwin. Those guys didn't even know animals went extinct. President Jefferson told Lewis and Clark to be on the lookout for woolly mammoths. Seriously.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Glenn Beck puts Barack Obama's policies on the same level as Pearl Harbor and 9/11

Thomas Paine was the most radically progressive man of his era, loudly speaking out against things like religion, slavery, and the death penalty. He supported women's rights. He proposed an early version of welfare. Conservatives in his day hated him. Their partisanship made his final days miserable because of his friendship with President Jefferson. Thomas Paine is my favorite founding father. It gives me warm fuzzy feelings seeing the far right exploit his image to spout the same incoherent gibberish that Adolf Hitler used to rile up the Germans.

Friday, April 10, 2009

I mentioned Michele Bachman last week and how she supports a second civil war. Welp, that ol' Michele is at it again!
"I believe that there is a very strong chance that we will see that young people will be put into mandatory service. And the real concerns is that there are provisions for what I would call re-education camps for young people, where young people have to go and get trained in a philosophy that the government puts forward and then they have to go to work in some of these politically correct forums."
And finally, what's making hardline conservatives tick is at last coming out. They thrive on fear and paranoia. She has no evidence for this statement. At all. She even goes right out and admits she doesn't; that first sentence begins with "I believe," instead of "I have evidence for."

Also, something I forgot to mention last time. She said in 2006 that God told her to run for Congress. Only with religion do we believe people hearing voices in their heads is a normal thing.

This week in political news

On the liberal-progressive front, Anna Marie Cox continues to deepen my mad crush on her.

On the conservative front, Glenn Beck is still being Glenn Beck

Haha, and the slavery comparison. Classy. It comforts me knowing the country still isn't falling for this.

And on the irresponsible let's-make-up-a-controversy front, CNN continues to beat the dead body of mainstream journalism.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thursday Music Post - Jessica Lea Mayfield

Dan Auerbach, the frontman for my favorite band The Black Keys, likes to discover artists and release CDs for them. This is how I found out about the awesomeness of Radio Moscow, and it's how I just discovered this girl right here.

Jessica Lea Mayfield has been playing in her family band since she was eight years old. She recorded some songs in her brother's bedroom at the age of fifteen, and burned 100 copies. One of those copies fell into the hands of Dan Auerbach. He liked it so much, that he took her under as his own protege, and helped her record her first CD in his basement studio. She worked on it for two years, and it was just released a few months ago. She can be heard in the backing vocals of "Things Ain’t Like They Used To Be," which was on The Black Keys' last CD.

She recorded an EP for, and you can download it for free here.


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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Republican Civil War - "It's like you're all brainwashed!"

If you heard someone call Rush Limbaugh a brainwashed Nazi, which political ideology do you think he would follow? Well, you're wrong, because a Republican just called Rush Limbaugh a brainwashed Nazi.

"I'm a veteran. We're not supposed to be torturing these people. This is not Nazi Germany, Red China, or North Korea. There's other ways of interrogating people, and you kept harping about it -- "It's OK," or "It's not really torture." And it was just more than waterboarding. Some of these prisoners were killed under torture."

I'm pretty sure Rush just cut him off at 2:45. That guy was pissed, he wouldn't have shut up like that. Good thing Republicans aren't going to follow this guy's advice, or else they might actually have a chance in 2010.

Oh Hannity, you cute bumbling paranoid fuck.

According to Sean Hannity, Barack Obama has "seemingly apologiz[ed] for our engagement in the war on terror." What the president actually said was "The United States is not and never will be at war with Islam." Conservatives continue still to confuse normal Islam with terrorist cults. Have I ever expressed how glad I am that these fucking morons aren't in power? Because I am.

“Okay, there was never a president who said we're going to have a war against Islam.”

And Obama never said there was. He wasn't "apologizing" on behalf of George Bush, he was "apologizing" on behalf of dumbshits like you who say the Qur'an is no different from Hitler's Mein Kampf.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Shortly after Obama was inaugurated, I started compiling a list of right wing propaganda. Because it's one thing to call something propaganda simply out of anger or frustration, but it's a whole new ball game if you can gather the evidence for it. So that's what I've been doing. At first this was only going to be directed towards Drudge Report, but then I started noticing things on Fox so I decided to include them too. I tried to leave the opinionated stuff out of this completely, all of these are trying to play themselves off as legitimate news.

Fox News criticizes an anti-Rove attack ad. When they play the ad, they neglect to mention that they've edited it.

Fox News plays some clips of people saying the economy is getting better. They say all the clips are recent. They throw in a six month old speech by Joe Biden out of nowhere. He was making fun of John McCain, and they edit it out of context.

Apparently, Barack Obama wants to enact Sharia law. This allegation is based on an email claiming that Yale Dean Harold Koh, who is now an appointee to the State Department, said Sharia law could apply to the U.S. Fox was unable to reach the author of the email for comment, but went ahead with the story anyway. The thing turned to be completely false.

Barack Obama says that Americans have shown arrogance and been dismissive towards Europe. Sean Hannity gets angry and neglects to play what Obama says less than a minute later when he finishes his point. He continues by saying Europeans have held the same attitudes towards Americans, and there needs to be a mutual understanding.


Now on to Drudge.

This was posted the day the stimulus bill passed in the House.

They've apparently never met a single teenager during the Bush years.

Politico: Abraham Lincoln doesn't go anywhere without his notes

This was on the day Obama allowed us pursue stem cell research like the rest of the world. The only reason Obama needed to "unleash" science in the first place was because the leash Bush put on it was so god damn tight. Seriously Drudge, are you a time traveler from the Dark Ages? Science is suddenly bad. In the year 2009.

Just like every single president who has ever lived.

That Republican Congressman couldn't possibly have any sort of motive for saying these things.

So here's a picture of some women, chosen completely at random.

Just like what the entire Congress did when the economy crashed. But instead, here's a picture of Barney Frank.





Radical! Cowabunga, dude!

Get it? Because he's on TV.


I hope the Cold War NEVER ends!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Partisan Gap in Obama Job Approval Widest in Modern Era

For all of his hopes about bipartisanship, Barack Obama has the most polarized early job approval ratings of any president in the past four decades. The 61-point partisan gap in opinions about Obama's job performance is the result of a combination of high Democratic ratings for the president -- 88% job approval among Democrats -- and relatively low approval ratings among Republicans (27%).

By comparison, there was a somewhat smaller 51-point partisan gap in views of George W. Bush's job performance in April 2001, a few months into his first term. At that time, Republican enthusiasm for Bush was comparable to how Democrats feel about Obama today, but there was substantially less criticism from members of the opposition party. Among Democrats, 36% approved of Bush's job performance in April 2001; that compares with a 27% job approval rating for Obama among Republicans today.

The partisan gap in Bill Clinton's early days was also substantially smaller than what Obama faces, largely because Democrats were less enthusiastic about Clinton. In early April 1993, 71% of Democrats approved of Clinton's job performance, which is 17 points lower than Obama's current job approval among Democrats. Republican ratings of Clinton at that point (26%) are comparable to their current ratings of Obama today (27%).

The growing partisan divide in presidential approval ratings is part of a long-term trend. Going back in time, partisanship was far less evident in the early job approval ratings for both Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon. In fact, a majority of Republicans (56%) approved of Carter's job performance in late March 1977, and a majority of Democrats (55%) approved of Nixon's performance at a comparable point in his first term.

I like how the Republicans' approval rating for Obama is at the exact same low point as Clinton in '93. That's one of the two reasons why they're failing so miserably right now. They're stuck in the partisan Clinton years. They just can't let those post-Reagan glory days die. The second reason is that they're still fighting Carter. Carter's presidency wasn't successful because he was too ambitious, and he didn't know how to play politics. His team was inexperienced, and he never made much of an effort to make allies in Congress. Republicans frame their idea of every single Democrat who has ever lived around Jimmy Carter.

That's why the American people didn't want Republicans running their country anymore. A person like Reagan may have been needed in the 80s (don't quote me on that, I don't know a lot about Reagan's presidency), but conservatives just can't seem to grasp that the world has changed. They refuse to keep up with the times, and that's why they lost in 2008.

Sunday Youtube Post

voting wahts that lol

I will say one thing, though. I really wish women would go back to those old 50s haircuts. God damn.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Shooting Followup

Crooks and Liars found the myspace page of the shooter's "best friend" who's been interviewed a lot today. Interesting reading material on it:
"DOCUMENTS I RECCOMEND YOU READ BY GOOGLE: "Civil War II" by Tom Chittum "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" "The Turner Diaries" by Dr. William Pierce "Jewish Supremacy" by Dr. David Duke It Has Even Been Documented In The Communist Manifesto: "“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension. "By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. "In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavour to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. "We will aid the Negros to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment."
According to another friend,

"He always said that if someone tried to take his weapons away he would do what his forefathers told him to do and defend himself."

... Mr. Poplawski was opposed to Mr. Obama's election, which he thought would result in the loss of his rights, Mr. Vire said. [...]

Mr. Poplawski told him he bought his guns "because he felt the quality of life was being diminished," Mr. Vire said.

Poplawski's neighbor said in a Fox interview that the violence was brought on by gun paranoia as well. Video included in the link up there.

This isn't the first time mainstream conservative propaganda has killed people. Last July, two people were murdered in a church. According to police interviews of the shooter,
"Adkisson stated that he had targeted the church because of its liberal teachings and his belief that all liberals should be killed because they were ruining the country, and that he felt that the Democrats had tied his country's hands in the war on terror and they had ruined every institution in America with the aid of major media outlets. Adkisson made statements that because he could not get to the leaders of the liberal movement that he would then target those that had voted them into office. Adkisson stated that he had held these beliefs for about the last ten years."
At his home, they found the following books:
  • "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder" by radio talk show host Michael Savage
  • "Let Freedom Ring: Winning the War of Liberty over Liberalism" by talk show host Sean Hannity
  • "The O'Reilly Factor: The Good, the Bad, and the Completely Ridiculous in American Life" by television talk show host Bill O'Reilly
Here's some conservative drum pounding to incite rage over the invisible liberal boogeyman trying to take away our guns, even though there is absolutely no evidence that Democrats are trying to do that. I hope shitbags like Glenn Beck have trouble sleeping at night.

Another shooting

A redneck killed three cops. He was afraid Barack Obama was going to ban guns. This is the second shooting in two days, bringing the total shootings in the last couple months to six. The guy had an AK-47 assault rifle and "several powerful handguns, including a .357 Magnum." Too bad that AK wasn't illegal, maybe three officers wouldn't have died.

Although the guy's irrational fear of Barack Obama probably had nothing to do with triggering this (he had just lost his job), can anyone honestly say that particular anger didn't contribute something to it? This is exactly the kind of shit I was talking about when I said people were taking right wing propaganda seriously. People just snap. And as long as they continue to spread lies about the president, this stuff is just going to keep on happening, at least until the economy improves. I mean I'm really not trying to jump the gun here. I don't want to believe talk radio's lies had something to do with this, but he really thought Obama was going to try to ban guns. It was a belief he held. You can't just ignore that.


Oh, they're adorable.

A powerful bloc of 57 Islamic states is again pushing for the UN to make it a criminal offense to criticise or 'defame' Islam.

. . .

Though the 57 nations . . . have been lobbying for the move since 1999, the signs this time are that the resolution could well be made binding. While the resolution calls for protection against "defamation" of all religions, it only mentions Islam by name.

. . .

If passed, the resulting binding resolution would find its way into various UN documents all of which would require that UN member states at "local, national and international levels" start restricting the free speech of citizens to prevent public criticism of religious beliefs, particularly Islamic belief.

Fuck Islam.

Hey guys, I founded a new religion just now, it's called the “Fuck Islam Religion,” and in it we go around saying that Islam should be fucked. No one is allowed to tell me how retarded and immature that is because that would go against my religious beliefs. Who wants to help me make it illegal for every person on the entire planet to speak out against my religion?

Islam is an Abrahamic religion, like Christianity and Judaism. They all believe in the same God. Islam believes Moses and Jesus are both prophets. The Bible says that you're going to hell if you don't believe Jesus is the Son of God. The Qur'an says – twice – that you're going to hell if you believe Jesus is the Son of God. Flip a coin?

Here's some history of the religion. I actually think the history behind it is really interesting, and more people should learn about it.

Islam was founded by some dude named Muhammad in 627 AD. This was only a couple hundred years after the fall of Rome. While Europe was plunged in the Dark Ages, Arabia was actually doing quite well. Muhammad was visited by an archangel named Gabriel. Gabriel told Muhammad that he is a messenger from God. God is all powerful and can do anything, so he could have just spoke to Muhammad himself, but for some reason he decided to send Gabriel. You better not question it, or else God might make locusts eat your daughter's first born donkey or something. Zip it.

Gabriel said that God said that Judaism and Christianity are manmade lies and he doesn't want anyone believing them or else he will be very angry. Gabriel told him a bunch of stuff and Muhammad wrote it all down. That's the Qur'an. God could have just given Muhammad the book in the first place and saved him the trouble of writing all that shit, but whatever.

Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)

Then Muhammad went to Mecca and preached some junk. Then he united all the tribes of Arabia. If I were to make a guess, I would say that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was one brilliant motherfucker who made all that shit up so he could be propelled into power. Regardless, then he died. Nobody knew who should take his place, so everyone split into factions and started killing each other. This is where modern Sunni and Shi'a originate.

Then after all their little civil wars, they united again and decided to invade some shit. They had this crazy idea in their heads that the entire world should be united under their Islamic Caliphate, and anyone who doesn't accept Muhammad should be cut down like the infidels they are. Like the evil alien race in every sci fi ever made.

They expanded, and expanded, and expanded, and expanded some more, and they eventually acquired the biggest fucking civilization since the Roman Empire. They made it so god damn far, that they even briefly held a small foothold in France. Fucking France! Seriously! France!

Click for big

The battle that finally pushed them back is really kind of an amazing story. The Franks possibly had about 30,000 men -- with no fucking cavalry -- and Muslim sources say the Caliphate had as many has 80,000!! That's a lot of fucking Muslims! Though, their number is ultimately unknown, and this very well could have been exaggerated. If they hadn't been stopped, all of Europe might have fallen and Christianity might have been wiped out. Wouldn't that be an interesting alternate dimension to live in!

Well anyway, this whole period is known as the Islamic Golden Age, and what came out of it was the some pretty god damn brilliant shit about law, philosophy, and religion. A lot of it was even stolen by some Christian and Jewish philosophers, just like how they stole all their shit from the pagans a few centuries before.

Well, the Christians in Europe got a little jealous. Christian authors saw Islam as the religion of the antichrist, and its followers sex-crazed and subhuman. So the Christians, starting with the Battle of Tours up there, started taking back their shit, and drove the Muslims all the way out of Spain. Then we get over half a millennium of Crusades, Jihads, and the slaughter, torture, and rape of millions of innocent people. God high-fives Gabriel and grabs the popcorn.

“These wars are gonna be fuckin' sweet!”

Modern Islamic terrorism has many, many origins, and I won't name any of them in seriousness because frankly, I don't know what they are. I think Western expansionism and the Cold War both had a big play in it, but I'm kind of talking out of my ass, so don't quote me on that. The mindsets of terrorists like Al-Qaeda, is that they want to return to the Islamic Golden age. They want to take over the world and unite it all under an Islamic Caliphate. That is their ultimate goal.

So it's kind of funny to see all these Islamic nations banding together and doing this. The goal of Al-Qaeda is for the whole world to submit to their will, and these nations are doing the exact same thing, but by saner means of nonviolence. Terrorism and mainstream Islam couldn't be any more different, but it just goes to show that all religions have similar mindsets -- imposing their will on others. Hell, it's everywhere in America. We got stem cell research, we got the modern civil rights movement in gay marriage, we got creationism in public schools, we got abortion (though, I think both sides of this are bullshitting), we got the unconstitutional government endorsement of a religion by having Christmas as a federal holiday... there are buttloads more, especially when you look at the historical issues of our country. Like how modern Christians ignore the fact that Christians used the Bible to defend the slavery of human beings.

THE POINT IS - insecure religious extremists can't deal with the fact that opinions other than their own exist. They want everyone to think like they do, and that's why they're so aggressive. They suppress human rights, and they try to suppress our freedom to speak whatever the fuck we want. When religion is embedded into government, you get fascism. That's why we have to fight back. Every single day, the Religious Right shit on the secular Deistic principles America was founded on, and they have to be stopped. Or else we'll just end up like one of those 57 Islamic states pushing for their unabashed fascism in the UN.

I say it all the time, and I'll repeat myself: we are going to be SO much better off once the baby boomers step down from government. KEEL OVER ALREADY YOU FUCKERS, ALL THAT COLD WAR PROPAGANDA FUCKED YOU UP TOO MUCH.