Saturday, February 12, 2011

Glenn Beck thinks communists and socialists are running the Egyptian revolution, and it's only a matter of time until we fall too

People like Glenn Beck, and really most Tea Partiers and Republicans these days, seem to confuse everything they hate as being one single entity. For example, I remember Ann Coulter arguing a long time ago that because liberals are nothing but a bunch of atheists, global warming is simply a replacement for religion for them. She doesn't seem to realize that not all liberals are atheists, and not all atheists are liberals. You see it in the rhetoric these people spew out every day -- comparing liberals to "communists" and "fascists," regardless of the fact that communism and fascism are polar opposites of each other. I don't know what the fuck is going on in their heads, that they're able to make such drastic logical leaps while still believing they're making sense. They've become complete masters at self-manipulation.

Case in point: Glenn Beck seems to have convinced himself that the brown Islamos are also communists. His evidence? There is none. He doesn't have any. He just says things and then they're true. The end. Even Bill "the moon proves the existence of God" O'Reilly tells him he has no evidence.

Oh, and guess what. You remember when the Iranians did their little Iranian thing a couple years ago, with the green an everything? As Glenn Beck brought up in that video, they're not dead yet. They're calling for a 'Day of Rage' on monday. I've been wondering what's been taking them so long.

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