Friday, February 18, 2011

Liberals may be finding their balls

Maybe it was a good thing that Republicans won big during the elections. Now that it's becoming clear what Republicans are capable of doing, we're starting to fight back. In Wisconsin, the new governor Scott Walker proposed a bill that would take away all collective bargaining rights for unions. Workers wouldn't be able to have a say at all. He's been trying to frame this around the budget, and the corporate cocksuckers at Fox have been eating it up. They ran a headline the other day that said "Wisconsin is burning." There are no fires and the protests have been entirely peaceful.

Wisconsinites are not unreasonable, and they are willing to make cuts. But this isn't about a budget. This is about union busting. This is about taking even more rights away from the American worker and giving them to the corrupt pieces of shit who caused the economic meltdown. Walker isn't even budging on it. He rushed it through, and he's not willing to compromise. He owes people favors for buying off his election, and he's sucking corporate dick. I've been paying pretty close attention to what's been happening in Wisconsin primarily because I have family there who have been taking part in the rallies. My cousin and aunt are in here somewhere. 30,000 people showed up in the capital on this day. That's a full quarter of Springfield's population.

Here's former WI governor, and progressive hero, Russ Feingold on Maddow talking about it. It's a great interview.

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Back at the nation's capital, Republicans are continuing to ignore the economic crisis and go after women's rights. I usually try not to frame the abortion debate around a "male vs. female" discussion, because there are women who oppose abortion, but I'm just not going to beat around the bush on this anymore. They are going after women. A few weeks ago, they tried to redefine rape to make it harder for women to obtain abortions. You would only be raped if it was forced, meaning that if you were drugged or unconscious, guess what? You weren't raped! Thank christ they backed off of that after the backlash, but now they're trying to take away all federal funding to Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is a wonderful organization that doesn't even entirely focus on abortion. It focuses on education and protection. I don't know if conservatives are aware of this, but kids are going to be fucking each other whether we tell them it's okay or not. Republicans want to take funding away from one the best organizations in the country that is capable of preventing pregnancies. All studies show that the less kids know about sex, the more likely they're going to get knocked up. So if Republicans want the abortion rate to go down, you'd think they would be in favor of these guys. Common sense isn't hard.

The House debated this last night. Here's Rep. Chris Smith of New Jersey discussing why Planned Parenthood should not receive federal funding. It's about eight minutes, and he goes into disturbingly graphic detail of a specific procedure, before finishing it off by calling Planned Parenthood "Child Abuse, Incorporated." BECAUSE THEY MURDER CHILDREN TO GET RICH, I READ IT IN A PAMPHLET.

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Immediately after Smith stepped down, Rep. Jackie Speier of California gave one of the most heartfelt speeches I've heard in the last couple years. She revealed that she was forced to undergo the very procedure Smith just described for her own well-being. She reminds everyone that this has nothing to do with the economy, or any issue that Americans actually care about, and that abortion is legal in the United States.

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