Saturday, November 21, 2009

I truly feel sorry for people who have no curiosity about the universe -- the ones who either don't seek answers for anything, or who are satisfied with dumb answers like "It doesn't matter" or "I don't need to know how god did it." To me it seems those people are almost afraid of gaining knowledge. They don't want to grow out of their box. They will never know the happiness this right here brings me.

"In some respects, science has far surpassed religion in delivering awe. How is it that hardly any major religion has looked at science and concluded, "This is better than we thought! The Universe is much bigger than our prophets said, grander, more subtle, more elegant. God must be even greater than we dreamed"? Instead they say, "No, no, no! My god is a little god, and I want him to stay that way."
-Carl Sagan

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