People are protesting Obama's spending and trying to compare it to the Boston Tea Party. How cute.
5-year-old Kate raised one [sign] that read "Stay out of my piggy bank."
Because she's five. Get it?
Are these people dense? First of all, what a great way to rape the memory of the bravest heroes who have ever stepped foot on American soil. The Boston Tea Party wasn't carried out by a bunch of middle aged fat people who had no problems exploiting their children for political purposes. The Sons of Liberty were fucking. SERIOUS. They didn't stand around with their hands in their pockets and laugh about how much of a big dum dum Great Britain was. They were fucking angry. They tore down the homes of tax collecters, brick by brick. They stripped tax collectors of their clothes, drenched them in hot tar, smothered them with feathers, and paraded them through the god damned streets. They screamed "Fire, damn you, FIRE!" at a group of British soldiers while hurling rocks and clubs at them, provoking the Boston Massacre. They were able and willing to get fucking shot for what they believed in. These idiots are calling their protest a "Tea Party" in their memory, and it fucking infuriates me, as well as it should every other American proud enough to actually remember the sacrifices they made for us. I know we as liberals have always made fun of conservatives for accusing us of being somehow "less American," but I'm going to go ahead and say it in complete seriousness - this lessens their status as Americans. This is utterly disgusting, and the complete absence of any sort of outrage only proves how far we as a country have fallen.
Most of the outrage I express in this blog is satire and shouldn't be taken seriously, but I mean every single word of this. Our founders did what they did, not only for us, but for humanity as a whole. They believed no mere government has the power to give or take away rights to human beings because all people - because of their status as people - are by nature given inherent human rights at birth. I love my country with a fucking passion, and these retards are exploiting it for their close-minded and ignorant political goals. They have absolutely no clue with what they're messing with; this is just so above them. Get out of the streets and pick up a god damn book. Jesus. Titty. Fucking. Christ.
And second, these guys actually think this protest will have any sort of impact, at all? Were they even conscious during the Bush years? They do know all those people who protested the Iraq War achieved absolutely nothing, right? Modern protesting is completely pointless. You can't stand out there holding a sign and obey the law if you want people to listen. In modern protesting, you're forced to remain in one area, you have to acquire a permit, and hell, these pussies won't even block traffic. The reason why the protests of yesteryear always worked was because the people who took part in them disrupted 'business as usual.' The Civil Rights Movement was a success because crowds refused to disperse when they were sprayed with fire hoses and mauled by dogs. The Boston Tea Party worked because it destroyed government property - the value of which would be millions of dollars in today's currency.
The only goal of modern protesting is so people of one mind can get together and inflate their egos. It's nothing but sing-a-longs and pointless symbolism, and it accomplishes absolutely fucking nothing. That kind of pussy protesting will never change a thing. Ever.
"I'm frustrated with the way things are going in Congress. They need to remember that they work for us, and right now, we don't approve."

"This is not a Democrat thing or a Republican thing."
Yes it is. Stop it.
"The American people are outraged. All you have to do is look around."

A lone Obama supporter made her way through the edge of the gated area, shouting "O-bam-a" to jeers from the crowd.
tee hee
Does anyone know their Great Depression history? I know Republican politicians fought FDR's spending, but did they actually manage to brainwash idiots into following along with them? I'm curious. I doubt it, since this was before McCarthy, and Republicans probably hadn't yet learned how effective a tool fear can be.
I can't wait until we start seeing the effects of the stimulus, so these idiots will shut the fuck up. No wait, it'll just be Bush's tax cuts kicking in.
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