Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Future - All the Way to the Year 2000

Believe it or not, our generation is going to be lucky enough to witness the birth of one of the most significant eras of civilization. Right now, we are on the eve of a 21st century industrial revolution. Instead of steam power and railroads, this revolution is going to be dominated by computers and robotics.

I might be just saying this as a faggoty Macboy - but Steve Jobs has always been extremely ambitious and innovative, and I really think he and Apple are the only ones that realize what's about to happen. Microsoft isn't looking big enough. From what I've seen of Windows 7, it only seems like a version of Vista that doesn't cause you to pull your hair out. It just does the things Vista was supposed to be capable of in the first place, and that's all they seem to be stretching for.

On top of this, to get you to buy new versions of Windows, Microsoft continues to force new programs to stop being compatible with previous versions of Windows, when they are perfectly capable of working otherwise. And then even after you upgrade successfully, half of your shit stops working until there are patches released. I saw absolutely no problems when I upgraded my Mac's operating system. And I'm really not trying to do some mindless Windows bashing here, I'm just speaking out of what I see as common sense. You shouldn't have to encounter that many problems when you upgrade your computer. It doesn't seem like much to ask for.

But it's not like Microsoft isn't looking towards the future. Here's a recent video the company released detailing its vision for the year 2019. Believe it or not, this is a pretty realistic depiction. Everything you see in this is currently in production (which can be seen here, it's pretty cool).

And while all of this is very cool, none of it really seems to change the overall landscape all that much. They're just putting computer screens on tables and windows. And while this will admittedly increase productivity a bit, you would still be able to do all of it on a simple, normal desktop. Companies aren't going to want to invest in transforming their entire offices into giant computer screens, it'll just be expensive. Seriously, you think a monitor is expensive? How about a monitor the size of a fucking wall? Admittedly, Microsoft is probably designing these things with cost in mind, and by the time all these cool innovations are released to the public and we start seeing them used in the way they were in that video, the prices for them will probably go down a lot. But in the meantime, Apple has already got a foothold on the market.

Steve Jobs has got it right. He's not putting all his resources into fusing computers into your environment, he's focusing on simply making your own personal computer smaller and more efficient. Apple's big things recently are of course the iPhone and the Macbook Air - emphasizing wireless and portability. The first steps of Apple's innovations for the future are already out, while Microsoft's probably won't be released to the public for years. Apple's got the jump on them.

I think Microsoft is doomed. They'll probably be around for another decade or two, but I'm pretty confident they're going under eventually. They simply refuse to update their business model. Bill Gates, a man who I love and respect, does not run the company anymore, and frankly, he's probably the only person who could have redeemed it. They're going to tank without him. Someone please talk me down from this, because this is the only direction I can see.

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