Chuck Norris is a pretty conservative guy. He endorsed John McCain during the election, and campaigned for him. Nothing wrong with this, he's using his rights as an American, more power to him.
Welp, now I guess he wants to incite a rebellion.
It's a pretty hilarious article. He did what every idiot does to argue when he can't think of good arguments for himself – just use some random, out of context quotes and morph them around so it looks like they support your views. Dead people know everything, you know! Oh yeah, and he also wants Texas to secede from the Union.
How much more will Americans take? When will enough be enough? And, when that time comes, will our leaders finally listen or will history need to record a second American Revolution?
Third, actually. The Civil War?
You can't get any consistency with America's conservatives. They are the biggest fucking hypocrites on the planet. What happened to all that Bushian rough-talking patriot language? “You have to support your president in a time of war, these libruls are unpatriotic because they don't support their president!” Such PATRIOTS! Libruls are not as American as I am because I redefined "American" to mean everything I agree with.
Anyone remember when these things were passed around in 2000 or 2001 after Al Gore lost?

Hey, at least the Democrats actually had a reason to be upset. George Bush did not win the popular vote. The American people did not want him to be their president. Perfectly legal by all means, I mean it's happened before (that was stolen, but that's besides the point). Although legal, it was still a legitimate reason to be angry! The President of the United States was not fucking voted into office, confirming the fears of millions Americans that their votes really don't count. But for the love of god, no one was calling for a revolution. If these traitorous shitheads had the mental capacity to be convinced that liberals are patriotic, that fact alone would be able to convince them.
But oooooh nooooo, suddenly in 2008, when Republicans not only lost, but lost by a significant, undebatable margin? Even as Barack Obama's approval rating is still sky high? REVOLUTION TIME BITCHES, STOP TAKING AWAY MAH GOD, GET YOUR HANDS OFF MAH GUNS YOU COMMIE ATHEIST ISLAMO BASTARDS, YEEEEEHAAAAWWWW!!!!!
You ever see that movie Big? It's so simple, these guys are simply children trapped in adult bodies! When they don't get what they want, they just drag their feet and shout incomprehensible gibberish, it's so obvious!
The rock these people had been living under for the past eight years must have been HUGE. Were they unaware of how far the Bush Administration unlawfully extended executive authority? The last presidency looked at checks and balances, not as one of the most beautiful systems ever constructed by man, but as an obstacle to be overcome. And conservatives have the audacity to compare Barack Obama, of all people, to dictators like Hitler and Stalin? For the love of god and all that is holy, why? Because he's spending an ungodly amount of money to improve our own country, instead of spending an ungodly amount of money to improve Iraq? Christsake.
Look, George Bush was no fascist, but I mean like, he had fascist qualities, am I right? Tell me I'm wrong. Hitler took over Germany's government by dissolving its Congress and suppressing all political opposition. The Bush Administration worked to limit our Congress's authority, and accused its political opposition of being somehow unpatriotic, untrustworthy, or immoral. We have every right to be concerned when one branch of our government passes laws without consulting the other two branches at all. That's exactly the kind of thing the founders would rebel over. Christ, Jefferson drew up plans for a second revolution over John Adams' Alien and fucking Seditions Act! It makes my head hurt to think of what his feelings would be towards George Bush!
A last word from Chuck Norris:
For those losing hope, and others wanting to rekindle the patriotic fires of early America, I encourage you to join Fox News' Glenn Beck, me and millions of people across the country in the live telecast, "We Surround Them," on Friday afternoon (March 13 at 5 p.m. ET, 4 p.m. CT and 2 p.m. PST). Thousands of cell groups will be united around the country in solidarity over the concerns for our nation . . . Again, Sam Houston put it well when he gave the marching orders, "We view ourselves on the eve of battle. We are nerved for the contest, and must conquer or perish. It is vain to look for present aid: None is at hand. We must now act or abandon all hope! Rally to the standard, and be no longer the scoff of mercenary tongues! Be men, be free men, that your children may bless their father's name."
“We Surround Them?” Really? You're threatening physical violence even in the very title of your show? I'm so grateful these morons are too fucking retarded to organize a rebellion. They're just pounding their chests.
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