It's so funny listening to/watching Rush Limbaugh. The man is insane. Limbaugh gave a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) the other day (watch it here). He says the only reason people hate him is because they don't listen to his radio program, and only pay attention to what the drive-by media tells them. And of course, the media is just a bunch of librul commie pinkos, so they distort his image because they hate amerka. This was said soon after Fox News was mentioned, resulting in the crowd cheering. Because it's okay for media to biased as long it's biased in the direction you agree with.
"I know that people are probably watching this who never have listened to my program and may not even really know what conservatism is. They think they do based on how they've been told -- the way we've been impugned and maligned and so forth."
I love how he completely ignores the fact that all his listeners have misconceptions of what liberalism is, based only on what they've been told by
There are two kinds of arguing. You take part in the sane kind of arguing with a mutual respect for the other side; the goal is to exchange ideas so you can get as closest to the truth as you possibly can. The key is to acknowledge the fact that you can sometimes be wrong. This is how arguing is done in philosophy and science.
The second kind of arguing is retard arguing. This is about 90% of the arguments you will ever hear, because all of us love doing it. The goal isn't about coming to a mutual understanding. Retard arguing is nothing but different minds trying to be dominant over each other. It's a psychological pissing contest. Whether the opposing sides realize it or not, they slowly and subtly start exaggerating points, and eventually just start making shit up. The goal isn't to attain truth. The factions are motivated only by arrogance and hate - they only want to win the argument to make themselves feel awesome, and they're disgusted by how moronic their opponents are, so they try their damndest to make them look like fuckwads. There are no negotiations. You are right, no matter what. The opposing side is a bunch of morons for not realizing how awesomely right you are, and they should be treated as such.
The founding fathers lived during the end of the Enlightenment. The first kind of arguing, the philosophical kind, was all they knew. But as soon as they all died out and the next generation took over in the early 1800s, partisanship became the norm. Most politicians stopped looking out for the best interests of America as a whole, and instead became motivated only by getting their own party into power. This has continued to this day, and honestly, it really is a fucking miracle we've made it this far.
Back to Rush. The problem with Limbaugh's mindset is that he's convinced himself and everyone who listens to him that he argues like a sane person. I kind of feel sorry for him. He doesn't realize his entire career is based around retard arguing. The liberals are evil. The liberals hate America. The liberals don't support the troops. The liberals are the enemy. You're not a true American if you don't wish for the failure of your President. Liberals liberals liberals drive-by media.
Rush Limbaugh has created a boogeyman. That's all he does. He riles up his audience and creates an enemy that does not exist. The word "liberal" incites such hate into these people that the word has lost all meaning. Limbaugh's redefined it; now it means simply "enemy." This is why these people always confuse liberals with enemies of America, like socialists, communists, and terrorists. They just lump all the bad guys together.
The conservative mind seems to thrive on this shit. They need a mystical authority figure to tell them what to do and how to think - Ronald Reagan, Rush Limbaugh, or for the Religious Right, the church. Likewise, they have to have an unseen enemy to get angry at - liberals, atheists, muslims, faggots, niggers, immigrants, Satan. Their world is consumed in paranoid hysteria, and everyone is out to get them and everything they stand for (this of course only describes the extreme right and not the sane guys like Steele). I don't think it's a coincidence that conservatism started going downhill once the church highjacked it shortly after Andrew Jackson.
Modern day Republicans have completely lost sight of what American conservatism was originally about - the smart libertarianism of Jefferson, Paine, and Franklin. Modern conservatism is still considered "right;" they've simply gone "north."

Right and Left - Economic Policy
Jefferson and crew were down in that libertarian right box. They were economically conservative, but socially liberal. The other crew - led by Adams and Hamilton - were in the authoritarian left box. They were economically liberal, but socially conservative. Over the last 200 hundred years, the two parties have switched poles.
I only focus on social issues when I vote. Whenever Rush Limbaugh says anything about a social issue, I disagree with every fucking word that comes out of his fat face. If Republicans are going to put Limbaugh out their as their leader and (bow to his will) (on every possible occasion), it's safe to say that I will never vote for a Republican for as along as I live. Oh Thomas Jefferson, please come back.
oh god I hope this doesn't make me a Ron Paul supporter
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